Hi Vinnyss517
Welcome to the forums!! Looks like your original thread was already moved to the Gtablet rooting subforum. You'll find a lot of info here and also some very knowledgable people.
Anyways, you'll want to start by checking what stock ROM you are currently running.
Go to settings and about tablet to see what firmware you are running. You should see something like...TapnTap 3588 or 4349. This is really important because this tells you which bootloader you are on and from there we can guide you to which HC ROM you can load.
Also, all the HC ROMS are pre-rooted as is all the other custom roms for the gtablet. After you done that, here are a couple of reference threads with instructions you can follow. If you are still confused, go ahead and ask a question on that thread or search for your answer there.