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Root Need some help! (rooting content)


Android Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2010
Northeast u.s.
I cant post on xda in the development section and the mytouch 4g forum is too slow, so im posting here.

Im having trouble getting s=off with mytouch 4g. Im permarooted using the visionary method, but it still says s=on.

Clockwork wont run, it just goes to the red ! over the phone icon.

Also, ADB push wont work, it keeps saying permission denied.

Visionary wont unroot either. Help would be appreciated!

Yes, ive tried just about everything.

I cant adb push gfree into /data/local, and I cant move it even with a root file explorer.

Okay only thing i can think of would be to give this a try. This is a conversation that i had with ash a while back.

At first I just used The Unlockr's method which is using Visionary. (How To: Gain Permanent Root and S-OFF on the T-Mobile MyTouch 4G / HTC Glacier | TheUnlockr) I got temproot that way and then tried to get S-Off, but when I rebooted into the bootloader I was still stuck on S-On.

I did some research and realized the reason for that was because I had an updated bootloader, so I followed these instructions using the gfree method (How To: PermaRoot and Unlock Your myTouch 4G - BriefMobile) and just skipped step 6 because I was already temprooted. After following those last instructions when I restarted and made sure I had S-Off, I rebooted then opened visionary again, unchecked temproot on boot and then ran Attempt perm root

Check out the links and hopefully something should work. Something has to give. LOL
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I think I read somewhere that if the phone had the OTA update it's fine, but if it came factory with 2.2.1, the radio is different, so it didn't work. But that's what I read, doesn't mean it's true.

I guess I'm not too bummed, I at least got the bloatware off, and there's always LauncherPro to keep it looking nice even though it's the same rom. Really would like to be able to flast a new one, but for some reason I can't.
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I think I read somewhere that if the phone had the OTA update it's fine, but if it came factory with 2.2.1, the radio is different, so it didn't work. But that's what I read, doesn't mean it's true.

I guess I'm not too bummed, I at least got the bloatware off, and there's always LauncherPro to keep it looking nice even though it's the same rom. Really would like to be able to flast a new one, but for some reason I can't.

At least your rooted right? Anywho just keep an eye open and hopefully someone out there will make it very simple for us to get perm root. Maybe a one click method.....
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