Hey everyone, my family's verizon account started out at Alltel, and we kept out Alltel plan as Verizon bought Alltel, but we recently switched to share everything. We have a LG Octane, DroidX2, Samsung Strat, and a HTC Rezound. The 2 CDMA only phones (Octane&X2) both now say their network is Verizon Wireless (before share everything they said "unknown"), but the 2 4G LTE phones (Strat&Rezound) still say network is "unknown" and nowhere on either phones does it say Verizon Wireless. I know *228 option 2 updates roaming capabilities and PRL junk, but the 4g phones don't do the *228 because the SIM updates everything automatically. So could anybody tell me what to do about the 2 4g phones? We have very very good Verizon service where we live.