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Hey Everyone 😁

I'm new to this but I have tried just about every other possible route and am at the point where I am reaching out to this forum in the hopes of some help in ending a Cyber stalking situation I have currently going on.

Without getting into the lifetime movie network drama of it all, I have an ex-boyfriend who is surveiling me through my electronic devices. I am a single mother of a 3 year old and a Special Education Teacher who works with children that are behavioral and developmental in the self contained setting. My camera is rolling at all times as is my microphone. I have gone through 5 new phones, countless emails, new laptops and TVs and even moved (not because of this, but hoped it would help) and I am still being accessed remotely and I need help proving it.
I have been to the police, got a report only to be told by the PD; who btw has a Cyber crimes task force unit trained by the FBI, that they would be unable to investigate this unless I give them physical proof of who is behind this- cumulative circumstantial logged evidence was not enough.

I am also concerned that the computers in my classroom and server network have been compromised as well as a result of me using them for things that have shared accounts linked to my personal laptop for when I am lesson planning and writing IEPs at home.

For anyone who is wondering- I cannot let this go until someone is able to help me or prove to me that what I am seeing in my system files and settings is normal. That's because I believe in privacy and in it's very definition in CHOOSING what you share and with who. Never, never, ever did I agree to share my life and the lives of those I love and care about most with this man. He exploited my own vulnerabilities- my human ones in believing sometimes 'good people make mistakes'; he is a con man and there is nothing good about someone who does this to another person for the fun of it as he has.

Thank you in advance for your time and for reading this short mini-novel. Any help would be so greatly appreciated.

Below are Android App Permissions and List Applications with Download source pulled from my phones system files through ADB shell. It is not rooted; at least not by me.

All Permissions:

Car information: car vendor channel, car mileage, car fuel level

Contacts: modify your contacts, find accounts on the device, read your contacts

Phone: read call log, null, answer phone calls, read phone numbers, read phone status and identity, access IMS call service, directly call phone numbers, null, write call log, make/receive SIP calls, reroute outgoing calls, add voicemail

Calendar: Read calendar events and details, add or modify calendar events and send email to guests without owners' knowledge

Camera: take pictures and videos

Body Sensors: access body sensors (like heart rate monitors), use fingerprint hardware

Location: access precise location (GPS and network-based), car speed, access approximate location (network-based)

Storage: read the contents of your SD card, modify or delete the contents of your SD card

null: Scan card information

Microphone: record audio

NFC - Near Field Communication: Access to SIM Card, NFC Transaction awareness

SMS: read your text messages (SMS or MMS), receive text messages (WAP), receive text messages (MMS), receive text messages (SMS), send and view SMS messages, read cell broadcast messages

null, Allow STK Intents, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, , null, modify system settings, null, null, Launch Moto Display, Play Install Referrer API, null, null, null, null, null, connect and disconnect from WiMAX, null, null, null, Launch Moto UI, null, Google Webmaster Tools, null, null, null, Enable talk to me feature, internal broadcast, send broadcast to Micro Screen Receiver, null, Allows an application to read/write the CLOGO block., null, Send broadcast about FDN, null, Should only be used by Motorola applications to access HiddenMenu files under /persist/public/hiddenmenu, null, null, null, receive data from Internet, null, null, null, null, close other apps, null, null, null, null, null, null, Google Checkout Sandbox accounts, null, null, null, change your audio settings, null, null, null, null, access Do Not Disturb, null, null, Access to the native SensorHub, null, null, null, null, null, null, Broadcast message to Mya, null, read Google service configuration, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, Recorded audio access, null, Access the mot_imager dir., Read Moto Actions settings, null, null, Google App Engine, Google Calendar, contacts data in Google accounts, iGoogle accounts, null, null, This app can appear on top of other apps, null, bind to carrier services, Picasa Web Albums, null, Broadcast phone account registration, null, write instant messages, null, null, Google Base, null, Google Maps, Orkut, Google Book Search, OEM update carrier configs, null, null, access other Google services, null, send and receive XMPP messages to and from Google servers, null, null, null, OMAPI System Terminal, null, Broadcast the call type/duration information, null, null, null, null, Control Camera, null, Whitelist bluetooth device access., null, null, Read Moto modes, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, control Near Field Communication, null, null, Process phone account registration, null, null, null, null, null, Read LDO preferences, null, null, null, Google Docs, null, null, null, Use Test Commands, null, null, null, null, Send download notifications., null, null, null, null, null, null, change network connectivity, null, null, make app always run, null, toggle sync on and off, Modify Google service configuration, FM radio access, null, use data in the background, Read Attentive Display camera state, null, null, Internal interface with ModManager, null, Google Notebook, null, null, Write Moto Mya ContentProvider, null, run at startup, null, null, null, Transfer Wi-Fi credential, view configured accounts, null, null, null, null, Write Moto Actions settings, null, null, access all Google services, Access DRM content., null, null, null, Read Google settings, null, null, Permission to bind to QtiTelephonyService service, set time zone, null, Automation, qcPermission, null, expand/collapse status bar, NWD SDK, uninstall shortcuts, manage profile and device owners, null, Write LDO preferences, Access DualSim Settings, null, ask to ignore battery optimizations, null, null, Send heartbeat to Google Talk server, Control TalkBack, pair with Bluetooth devices, null, allow Wi-Fi Multicast reception, null, null, null, null, set an alarm, null, null, null, null, null, Should only be used by Motorola applications to have tcmd permission, null, Advertising ID notification, null, retrieve running apps, null, DS Wizard State, null, null, null, null, have full network access, null, capsPermission, null, Send broadcasts to Android Market., Knol, Google mail, Google News, Google Talk, Google Wi-Fi, Google Spreadsheets, null, transmit infrared, null, null, null, null, reorder running apps, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, run in the background, access Bluetooth settings, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, YouTube usernames, Allowed to access IZAT services and resources., null, null, null, Read BRB settings, Android services, null, null, null, null, null, Broadcast data messages to apps., null, null, null, Look up CallerId using Hiya service, Update Moto modes, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, Access Stored OMA Provisioning Data, Access to the Do Not Disturb., null, null, null, measure app storage space, null, null, null, Broadcast data messages to apps., null, null, Manage Email Permissions, null, null, null, Access the Password Quality., Allows an application to retrieve internal state information from the camera service., Access all system downloads, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, Write BRB settings, null, null, Google Voice, FM radio, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, Receive the notification, null, null, null, JotSpot, access extra location provider commands, null, null, null, null, null, otaservice, Access download manager., send sticky broadcast, null, null, null, null, null, Car Service, null, null, null, null, null, Allows defintion of the volume panel and hardware key behavior, null, null, null, null, null, null, Broadcast XMPP messages to apps., Permission to access User Authentication apis, Tethered Update Result, send and receive XMPP messages to and from Google servers, null, null, null, start Micro Screen feature, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, Broadcast XMPP messages to apps., Modify Google settings, connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi, null, null, null, AdSense, Register with smart notifications, null, read install sessions, AdWords, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, Access download manager., null, null, null, null, null, Read Moto Mya ContentProvider, null, null, null, null, null, Access email provider data, null, null, null, null, null, null, view network connections, null, Access the Zen Mode setter API., null, null, null, disable your screen lock, null, null, messagingPermission, Register to handle the broadcasted call type/duration information, YouTube, null, null, servicePermission, null, null, null, null, Internal service interface for Moto experiences., null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, Internal service interface with ModManager, set wallpaper, Allows an application to read the CID block., null, Android services, null, Google Finance, Receive Moto state, use data in the background, null, null, null, Permission to Finish Setup, null, null, null, Dodgeball, null, Read Moto modes, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, close other apps, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, Modify Camera, null, null, null, null, read sync statistics, route calls through the system, null, null, null, null, null, Reserve space in the download cache, null, access checkin properties, null, null, null, Get rule state, Request for rule state changes, Set rule states, Google Health, null, null, null, null, System Window Shows on Multiple Users., request delete packages, Access PDS partition, null, null, null, null, dolby update broadcast, null, null, null, null, null, null, Google mobile apps, null, Modify Motorola system settings, null, null, null, Allowed to access IZAT services and resources., null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, Update Moto modes, null, null, null, null, Receive the broadcast of app state changes., null, null, adjust your wallpaper size, null, null, Set Global Transform., read sync settings, null, Google Checkout accounts, null, Google Voice Search, null, null, permission to access the checkin provider, null, null, null, Moto Voice, null, fota, null, run in the background, null, null, null, null, null, null, Moto Display, null, null, reset system to factory defaults, null, null, Restricted Total Commander plugins, control vibration, null, null, null, null, null, null, Read Android Beam data, null, Blogger, null, null, Broadcast that a change happened to the call log., null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, Personalized Speech Recognition, null, null, read instant messages, null, null, null, null, null, View Camera, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, Allows the app to clear cache directory if this directory space is lower than some threshold, null, null, null, null, null, view Wi-Fi connections, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, Google Groups, null, null, null, Receive carrier-specific SMS Messages, change WiMAX state, null, null, null, request install packages, null, null, null, null, Update widget, null, Update authentication notification, null, Launch voice search from DSP hotword, null, install shortcuts, null, null, null, null, Interact Across Multiple Users., null, lock the phone, null, null, null, null, Google Checkout QA accounts, null, null, null, null, Manage TalkBack custom labels, Launch voice with recorded audio, null, Access the Zen Mode API., null, prevent phone from sleeping, null, null, Advanced download manager functions., null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, Mobile TV, null, Use Device Context, Bind OMAPI Terminal, null, null, null, Exchanges messages and receives sync notifications from Google servers., Update voice message count., null, null, null, null, null, null, null

package:com.amazon.mShop.android.shopping  installer=null
package:com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim  installer=null
package:com.matchboxmobile.wisp  installer=null
package:com.google.android.youtube  installer=null
package:com.google.android.ext.services  installer=null
package:com.motorola.motocare  installer=null
package:com.android.providers.telephony  installer=null
package:com.android.sdm.plugins.connmo  installer=null
package:com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.drivemode  installer=null
package:com.android.providers.calendar  installer=null
package:com.motorola.vzw.pco.extensions.pcoreceiver  installer=null
package:com.motorola.config.wifioverlay  installer=null
package:com.android.providers.media  installer=null
package:com.qti.service.colorservice  installer=null
package:com.google.android.onetimeinitializer  installer=null
package:com.google.android.ext.shared  installer=null
package:com.motorola.bug2go  installer=null
package:com.motorola.mya.fmwkwrapper  installer=null
package:com.android.wallpapercropper  installer=null
package:com.motorola.ccc.otaoverlay  installer=null
package:com.quicinc.cne.CNEService  installer=null
package:com.motorola.ccc.devicemanagement  installer=null
package:com.motorola.android.fmradio  installer=null
package:com.android.documentsui  installer=null
package:com.motorola.android.settings.modemdebug  installer=null
package:com.android.externalstorage  installer=null
package:com.android.htmlviewer  installer=null
package:com.ghisler.android.TotalCommander  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.qualcomm.qti.uceShimService  installer=null
package:com.android.companiondevicemanager  installer=null
package:com.android.mms.service  installer=null
package:com.android.providers.downloads  installer=null
package:com.motorola.coresettingsext  installer=null
package:com.motorola.android.settings.diag_mdlog  installer=null
package:com.tapatalk.androidforumscom  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.target.ui  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.motorola.entitlement  installer=null
package:com.grubhub.android  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.overstock  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.motorola.att.phone.extensions  installer=null
package:com.motorola.ccc.checkin  installer=null
package:com.qapp.secprotect  installer=null
package:com.motorola.bettertogether  installer=null
package:com.android.cellbroadcastreceiveroverlay  installer=null
package:com.motorola.programmenu  installer=null
package:com.qualcomm.qti.telephonyservice  installer=null
package:com.motorola.ccc.mainplm  installer=null
package:com.google.android.configupdater  installer=null
package:com.motorola.iqimotmetrics  installer=null
package:com.motorola.ccc.ota  installer=null
package:com.motorola.ccc.notification  installer=null
package:com.stealthcopter.portdroid  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.android.defcontainer  installer=null
package:com.qti.confuridialer  installer=null
package:com.android.providers.downloads.ui  installer=null
package:com.android.vending  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.dti.att  installer=null
package:com.android.pacprocessor  installer=null
package:com.motorola.pgmsystem2  installer=null
package:com.dolby.daxservice  installer=null
package:com.motorola.motodisplay.env  installer=null
package:com.dolby.daxuser  installer=null
package:com.motorola.demo.env  installer=null
package:com.android.certinstaller  installer=null
package:com.android.carrierconfig  installer=null
package:com.google.android.marvin.talkback  installer=null
package:com.google.android.apps.work.oobconfig  installer=null
package:com.qti.qualcomm.datastatusnotification  installer=null
package:com.hash.ar.systemlog  installer=com.android.vending
package:android  installer=null
package:com.android.contacts  installer=null
package:com.motorola.android.provisioning  installer=null
package:net.aetherpal.device  installer=null
package:com.motorola.imagertuning_jeter  installer=null
package:scd.atools  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.att.mobilesecurity  installer=null
package:com.android.egg  installer=null
package:com.android.mtp  installer=null
package:com.android.nfc  installer=null
package:com.android.stk  installer=null
package:com.eakteam.networkmanager.pro  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.onedebit.chime  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.android.backupconfirm  installer=null
package:com.motorola.dm.plugins.attdm  installer=null
package:com.waze  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.google.android.launcher  installer=null
package:com.motorola.timeweatherwidget  installer=null
package:com.google.android.deskclock  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.qualcomm.qti.radioconfiginterface  installer=null
package:org.codeaurora.ims  installer=null
package:com.android.statementservice  installer=null
package:com.motorola.motokeysystem  installer=null
package:com.google.android.gm  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.mizmowireless.vvm  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.google.android.apps.tachyon  installer=null
package:net.wolfsys.allconnections  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.motorola.motocit  installer=null
package:com.motorola.motokey  installer=null
package:com.android.sdm.plugins.sprintdm  installer=null
package:com.ikea.kompis  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.aetherpal.attdh.lenovo  installer=null
package:app.greyshirts.firewall  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.google.android.setupwizard  installer=null
package:com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel  installer=null
package:com.android.providers.settings  installer=null
package:com.selflender.thor  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.android.sharedstoragebackup  installer=null
package:com.finalwire.aida64  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.google.android.music  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.android.printspooler  installer=null
package:com.att.callprotect  installer=null
package:com.motorola.colorprofiles  installer=null
package:com.android.sdm.plugins.diagmon  installer=null
package:com.perpay.mobile  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.dolby.dax2appUI  installer=null
package:com.android.dreams.basic  installer=null
package:com.att.myWireless  installer=null
package:com.lenovo.lsf.user  installer=null
package:com.android.inputdevices  installer=null
package:com.motorola.android.nativedropboxagent  installer=null
package:com.android.phoneoverlay  installer=null
package:com.motorola.mya  installer=null
package:com.motorola.nfc  installer=null
package:com.android.bips  installer=null
package:android.oem.overlay  installer=null
package:com.android.systemuioverlay  installer=null
package:com.motorola.android.jvtcmd  installer=null
package:com.motorola.frameworks.singlehand  installer=null
package:com.dunkinbrands.otgo  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.motorola.motosignature.app  installer=null
package:com.etsy.android  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.google.android.apps.docs  installer=null
package:com.google.android.apps.maps  installer=com.android.vending
package:net.kwatts.android.droidcommandpro  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.alticeusa.alticeone.prod  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.android.providers.partnerbookmarksoverlay  installer=null
package:com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver  installer=null
package:com.motorola.invisiblenet  installer=null
package:com.google.android.webview  installer=null
package:by4a.reflect  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.motorola.contacts.preloadcontacts  installer=null
package:com.android.server.telecom  installer=null
package:com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts  installer=null
package:com.motorola.android.providers.settings  installer=null
package:com.android.facelock  installer=null
package:com.android.keychain  installer=null
package:com.google.android.calculator  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.android.chrome  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.android.dialer  installer=null
package:com.google.android.packageinstaller  installer=null
package:digit.android  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.google.android.gms  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.google.android.gsf  installer=null
package:com.google.android.tts  installer=null
package:com.android.calllogbackup  installer=null
package:com.google.android.partnersetup  installer=null
package:com.motorola.setup  installer=null
package:com.google.android.videos  installer=null
package:com.android.carrierdefaultapp  installer=null
package:com.motorola.lifetimedata  installer=null
package:com.motorola.appdirectedsmsproxy  installer=null
package:com.android.proxyhandler  installer=null
package:com.showtime.showtimeanytime  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.synchronoss.dcs.att.r2g  installer=null
package:com.att.mobile.android.vvm  installer=null
package:com.analiti.fastest.android  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.motorola.messaging  installer=null
package:com.google.android.feedback  installer=null
package:com.google.android.printservice.recommendation  installer=null
package:com.google.android.apps.photos  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.google.android.calendar  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.att.iqi  installer=null
package:com.android.managedprovisioning  installer=null
package:com.motorola.launcherconfig  installer=null
package:com.motorola.android.providers.chromehomepageoverlay  installer=null
package:com.motorola.demo  installer=null
package:com.motorola.moto  installer=null
package:com.motorola.paks  installer=null
package:com.facebook.katana  installer=null
package:com.android.sdm.plugins.dcmo  installer=null
package:com.att.android.attsmartwifi  installer=null
package:com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks  installer=null
package:com.dti.cricket  installer=com.dti.cricket
package:com.summit.nexos.sdk.app.service  installer=null
package:com.android.wallpaper.livepicker  installer=null
package:com.motorola.carriersettingsext  installer=null
package:com.motorola.android.fota  installer=null
package:com.motorola.devicemanagement  installer=null
package:com.motorola.motocare.internal  installer=null
package:com.facebook.system  installer=null
package:org.mozilla.firefox  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.venmo  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.motorola.storageoptimizer  installer=null
package:com.google.android.inputmethod.korean  installer=null
package:com.motorola.fmplayer  installer=null
package:com.google.android.backuptransport  installer=null
package:com.android.storagemanager  installer=null
package:com.tools.netgel.netx  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.tsts.ipv6MorePro  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.motorola.msimsettings  installer=null
package:com.android.bookmarkprovider  installer=null
package:com.ibotta.android  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.android.settings  installer=null
package:com.nextradioapp.nextradio  installer=null
package:com.google.android.inputmethod.pinyin  installer=null
package:com.motorola.launcherconfig.overlay.cricket  installer=null
package:com.android.sprint.hiddenmenuapp  installer=null
package:android.autoinstalls.config.motorola.layout  installer=null
package:com.google.android.apps.books  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.qualcomm.location  installer=null
package:com.interlligentapps.dnsprivate  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.android.omadm.service  installer=null
package:net.fidanov.landroid  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.android.cts.ctsshim  installer=null
package:com.motorola.launcher3  installer=null
package:com.lmi.motorola.rescuesecurity  installer=null
package:com.motorola.slpc_sys  installer=null
package:com.mizmowireless.acctmgt  installer=null
package:com.motorola.actions  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.google.android.apps.pdfviewer  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.android.vpndialogs  installer=null
package:com.google.android.apps.wallpaper  installer=null
package:com.motorola.bach.modemstats  installer=null
package:com.android.phone  installer=null
package:com.android.shell  installer=null
package:com.android.wallpaperbackup  installer=null
package:com.android.providers.blockednumber  installer=null
package:com.groupon  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.android.providers.userdictionary  installer=null
package:com.android.emergency  installer=null
package:com.slicelife.storefront  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.motorola.cameraone  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.android.location.fused  installer=null
package:com.android.systemui  installer=null
package:com.motorola.motodisplay  installer=null
package:com.motorola.easyprefix  installer=null
package:com.android.bluetoothmidiservice  installer=null
package:com.facebook.appmanager  installer=null
package:com.smithmicro.netwise.director.cricket  installer=null
package:com.android.bluetooth  installer=null
package:com.qualcomm.timeservice  installer=null
package:com.qualcomm.atfwd  installer=null
package:com.motorola.att.settings.extensions  installer=null
package:com.motorola.config.wifi  installer=null
package:com.tsts.ipv6  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.android.providers.contacts  installer=null
package:com.android.captiveportallogin  installer=null
package:com.motorola.att.loader  installer=null
package:net.he.networktools  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.sezzle.sezzlemobile  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.google.android.inputmethod.latin  installer=com.android.vending
package:com.motorola.android.providers.chromehomepage  installer=null
package:com.motorola.attvowifi  installer=null
package:com.android.settingsoverlay  installer=null
Welcome to Android Forums, @erinbrock94, and sorry to hear you're having such a disturbing problem. Hang in there as more members come by and offer their expertise, okay?

One thing I'd suggest doing right away is changing your Google account to use 2-step verification; make sure you don't reuse a previous password. You can read about it here. Before you start, log out of your Google account on all devices, then use a computer and web browser to make your changes. Best to use a computer that cannot possibly be affected by the problem you're having.

Once you've locked down your Google account, there will be lots more to do, but at least that should keep your G account safe.

Take a deep breath! We'll do our best to help you sort this all out. :)
I have had the same nightmare for over a year...I can't get rid of them...I do 100% know who is responsible but they've covered their tracks well digitally...not so much in reality...I should've gone to the police buts as I see it is what I expected...they won't do a thing about it, while none cares that my privacy has been invaded, my personal life exposed and raped
every single second of every single day...day in and day out for over a year continuously. It's had a paralyzing effect on my life and I've been consumed with paranoia and fear enough to not be able to humanly function like I Once had. Help Meplease help me I am at the very end
Of my
i know no one wants to hear this, but leave your electronics off when not in use, downsize your collection of electronics, and maybe go a little low tech. it sounds like this guy has got all your info like social security number and such. unfortunately, once someone gets info like that from you, there isnt really anything you can do about it. but, you can turn on settings/alerts in any government website or app so when someone uses any of your personal info to do anything, you will get notified. it will get annoying with all the alerts you will get, but it will be worth it to get this a**hole.
Wow... that was .. something, wasntit? It's kinda cute how op thinks so highly of her ex's hacking skills. I mean, if he's infiltrated so many of her devices, appliances, accounts AND a school system's network (which seems rare the authorities didn't use that bit of knowledge to investigate, maybe), then kudos to him. Somebody get him a blackhat award and then revoke it for his perverse, espionage of a SpecialEd teacher at work. But Im willing to bet there was the same, single password being used for everything, every time, by op. Making her ex's 'skills' worthy of nothing. Op, if u see this, hope ur doing fine, 1st of all but I was wondering if u purchased ur Motorola at BestBuy or the like and was it carrier unlocked? If so, then everything in the logs seem normal. I bought one not long ago and it too is spewing with useless bloat. Like having an array of dialers, messengers (though the xmpp to be preinstalled seems iffy), shopping apps, multiple isp's/carrier apps all bundled together. The freedom to choose ur service with an unlocked fone can be taxing.
I have had the same nightmare for over a year...I can't get rid of them...I do 100% know who is responsible but they've covered their tracks well digitally...not so much in reality...I should've gone to the police buts as I see it is what I expected...they won't do a thing about it, while none cares that my privacy has been invaded, my personal life exposed and raped
every single second of every single day...day in and day out for over a year continuously. It's had a paralyzing effect on my life and I've been consumed with paranoia and fear enough to not be able to humanly function like I Once had. Help Meplease help me I am at the very end
Of my
I hope you got it figured out tim, but if not, it's one of your neighbors. Someone close enough to get a signal all day every day. Here's how to find which one: leave a Bluetooth speaker plugged into the wall. Use a high quality aftermarket cable and charge block. Keep it paired, give it trusted device status. Crank up some tunes every evening for a couple hours, same time, a few days in a row. Then don't turn on any music for a couple nights. Quietly, very very quietly sneak up on your speaker, and hold it to your ear. I'm not messing with you tim. You will hear the background noise of whoever is listening to you. It works like a stethoscope, the speaker does. It's an open channel, a hot mike. Now, if you had someone that could nonchalant rap on your neighbors doors, one to the next, marking the time, or you just call them when you hear the knock, through your speaker, that's them. It can be a bum from a corner, pay him 50$, explain the situation, draw it out on a map, whatever. If you don't have anyone, just listen in frequently till you hear some distinct music and walk up to one house, put your ear to the door. Either way, knock and ask to borrow a couple eggs, you didn't realize you were out and wanted to make some brownies. Give it a couple hours or next time you hear a program, album, whatever, next house. Maybe but a cheap little voice recorder (nonbluetooth) and narrate the situation out. Nobody is going to hurt you, it's just a pyramid scheme. A random cybercriminal got your info scanning the network, it's easy for them. Then they got your neighbors number, called them and said god knows what, your bad somehow, and asked for their help to get a baddy out of your peaceful neighborhood. Ya know, for the childrens sake. They get the neighbor all fired up, vigilante superhero, get them to donate to the cause, idk, to pay some professional, or cloud services, or something. Show them an altered video that might look or sound like you doing something bad, but it's photoshopped, you're just out of frame, and there's background noise. Maybe something weird in a parking lot or basement. I lost everything. My friends, wife daughter, house, carreer, family, got 3 felonies, locked up for two years. I have anxiety depression ptsd cptsd add bipolar, lost all social skills, physically a wreck. Whoever is doing this to you doesn't even know what they're doing, they think they are helping. and the cops think you're crazy, but you're not. It's real. It's a scam. Just 1 of the clubs, these groups, proudly has 2.2 million members worldwide. Where do you think everyone went? They're inside, screwing each other over thinking they are batman. It's a pyramid scheme, they're charging everyone for lessons, sneakpeaks, access, privalages. The more you pay, you get tiny rewards, a free drawing somewhere, a 20% off coupon. The more people you ruin, you get a higher ranking on a leaderboard. They gamified ruinig your own neighborhood, friends and family. It's mass paranoia and gangstalking. But everyone is just as scared as you, if you stand tall, keep that chin up high, real high, and start busting your neighbors, the others will get scared and stop. Then tell the rest about it, get them to to quitly go to the cops and explain the situation, and then the feds can come in and start tracking these people down. Tim, you have the truth on your side. Do you remember what happened when they sent pontius pilot to interrogate jesus? Stand up straight, look them in the eye, and ask them if you're lying, if you're making things up. Chin up high, look them dead in the eyes like they're staring at a cold hard mountain. The truth is the truth Tim, we're fooled by lies all the time, it's just the way our brains work. But everyone knows the truth when they see it. I promise you Tim, nobody will hurt you, they can't, it would draw attention if they tried, and if the secret becomes public, it's all over. They're just outcasts, computer nerds that got make fun of and didn't have the skills and strength to overcome it, so they're seeking revenge. I don't blame them in a way. It wasn't nice what happened to them, and they probably just missed the joke. Hurt people hurt people. It's sad. Don't be angry at the people doing this. Find the compassion in you as you hold them accountable for they're actions. Jesuses last words, as he die crucified between two dead theives crucified on either side of him - forgive them father, for they know not what they have done. Let's go ahead and just nip this in the bud before things get really out of hand. Because that's what the long game is. I won't tell you anymore, that's all you need to know. It's your friends, family, and neighbors. Love them like a good father. They have been naughty yes, but they aren't fully aware of the ramifications of their actions, they are only guilty of a small sin, and can be forgiven. They just need to understand, the only privacy ANYONE has, is that which is GIVEN to them by those around them. Privacy isnt a right. It's a gift. A gift that EVERYONE would like to have, and one that eases our own minds and hearts to give. What people do behind closed doors is their own business. For all of us. That is choice, that is freedom. We are not a democracy, we are a democratic Republic. That means a nation with laws, voted on by the constituents selected by the people. Our forefathers were libertarians. That's why they put in checks and balances. Laws in public, for the safety of the people. Inside your fence, respectfully, you are sovereign. Bihind your door, be whomever you choose. People on infringinging on you god given rights, that is a truth, it is self evident. They need checked, so balance can be restored. We are equals in this country Tim, no man shall have power over another. Controling your neighbors with fear is terrorists. That is the definition. But you need a fact to present to the judge, so he can do his job. He cant start ruling against neihbors on heresay, no matter how terrified you are. But you can do this, if you girdle yourself with the awesome power of truth. One truth, is stronger than all the lies. But you have to stick your chest out, and say it clearly with a strong voice so everyone knows. And they will. Ps, fun psychology fact - the conscious and subconscious brain/mind cannot tell the difference between real confidence and being scared and faking confidence. Look it up, it's true. So it's okay to be afraid, anyone would be after being harrassed. You don't have to be a mountain. You can just be a man. A man in the image of a mountain. MLK Jr did it, Ghandi did it, JFK, even Hitler. All of them, just men, like you and I. And they made a difference. One step forward Tom. One step towards your front door is momentum that's all it takes for a little tiny ball of snow, as small as a grain of rice, to start collecting momentum, and mass, and force, and fury. Remember, the truth exists on it's own, it is separate from everything, nothing in this world can diminish it or tarnish it, it cannot be bent or broken, it is indellible. Truth is stronger than any mountain, it outlasts moons and planets and suns and galaxies. A is A. It can be obfuscated though, maked, veiled, colored over, but behind that, it remains unchanged. All it takes is someone to pull back the curtain, bring it to light, and it prevails all on it's own. It doesn't need your help if it can be seen, it just needs pushed into the public view. Just one truth, one fact, one bit of evidence that is sound enought, or at least sounds good enough to allow the good guys to do a little more probing. They cant pit neighbors against neighbors without some kind of evidence, it would be civil war. Just get something. Give them something, then they can lean on someone, get them nervous so they slip up a little. Momentum. Same way they hacked you. Clicked on an email, a text, an ad. Harmless. Little tiny strand of code openened a little tiny mousehole in one of your devices security fences. Found anouther little tiny weak spot from there. Then another. Soon they have several small permissions, can change a harmless setting, see a notification. It takes time and effort, theres no magic key, but in a few weeks, they have your whole life, every account every device, they can make them do whatever they want, show you anything they like. The internet is just pictures on your phone Tim. i know it's terrifying feeling violated like that, losing your privacy and security, but those weren't real things either. Those were feelings, but no more real than the feeling of fear or anxiety or distrust you have now. People are real, their actions are real, and laws and crime and punishment are real, and the police and fbi and cia will help you, they want to stop this before more people get hurt. Find a way, to get something. If you record them without their knowledge, that evidence cannot be used in court. But if it proves they are tampering with an electronic device, using any piece of software in any way that makes you feel uncomfortable without your express permission, disrupting your information or access in any way, these are very serious crimes, and there are very serious task forces in every branch of government that would love to be the ones that broke this thing open. Every app you use, every device, every service and platform says right in the user agreement, any missise will be investigated by the app or sevice company, and any use other than intended will result in a disabled account and civil litigation. Turn your own phone in to your own apps. Turn off wifi bluetooth location, EVERYTHING but cell data. Turn your phone off. Go to wallmart. Find a quiet isle. Turn your phone on. Now they are not connected. They can only maintain a cell network connection for 5 to 7 minutes without a signal, and only if you are still in the same place ish if it comes back on in that window. Now you're free, start with your buggiest app, probably your browser and search engine. They hide things in clock and calculator too, those are favorites. Pull upp the app info, contact the maker, ask them to take a data log you believe your system is compromised and may be harmful to the public. Because it is. Once you have a virus to you are the virus. That in NOT in indication of wrongdoing Tim, just bad lud luck. Get your apps on your side, if things start getting shut down on your phone, you can ask a task force or google or whatever you are running to contact the company and see if they were able to run a trace. They were. It probably shows your own router or another device. That is good, that is progress. Connect all the different companies and agencies with each other so they can all share information about how you are a virus, and they can all together find out where it came from, and from who. You WILL be proven innocent. You will probably get nice new upgraded devices with free great security programs for helping and free classes and traing on how to protect yourself as a thank you, because the companies that own the programs don't want that crap in theyre systems, or to be know to contain it, they want their customers to feel safe using their product, and recommend it to friends and family. They want you to write a testimonial on their website about how scary it was, and how they helped you, and how you'll be a customer for life. Everyone wants to help you Tim. And they will. Just gotta know how to ask for help. Nobody is in the business of going out of their way for some stranger who sounds like a lunatic, no offense. Calm clear voice. Good posture. New haircut, good outfit, eye contact, chest out, chin up. Excuse me sir, but i believe my device is infected with MALWARE and is a danger to the public. Can you help me see how dangerous it is, and how destructive and virulent it may be? . And toss it to them, watch their horrified reaction, lol. Like it's a demon ! HA! Say, oh, there's nothing to worry about now, weve already been this close for this long, it's already in your phone now. Another few day it will have your whole life too. Hey, i have a nice spot under a bridge picked out, your welcome to share it with me if you like. And smile, a nice, honest, genuine, compassionate smile. Because that is the true man that you are. Watch how fast they crack that phone open. You never threatened anyone. Hopefully you have a voice recording app rolling when you are doing this. If it is at the police station, ask the officer to please turn on his body cam, with audio, first thing when you walk up. Trust me, if you open with THAT, you WILL have their attention. And believe me, they WILL take everything you say VERY seriously. Cops are paranoid and scared too tim. God, they have to think about getting hurt or having to hurt someone else all day every day. They are targeted individuals too you know. Difference is, they have a gang, resources, tech, training, and aren't afraid to fight back. So get them interested in how serious this is. Be calm and strong like they are, they will see it and respect it and treat you like they treat each other. Not like a lamb, like a sheepdog. Looking out for the flock. So, maybe you plant a recording device you bought off Amazon under your fake neighbors couch cushion on a little fake visit to use their phone because your service is being wonky. Call your sibling or whoever and say hi, what are you up to this weekend, ask if you could trouble them for a glass of water you were just trying out a new shadow boxing book you borrowed from a friend at work. Come back in a couple days, same performance, retrieve the recorder. Maybe you hear something interesting. That is evidence for the police to open an investigation. So what if your little recording cant be used in court. That wasn't it's purpose. It was a catalyst. A peanut in a mouse trap. They aren't going to charge you with a crime for being a victim. If you have any kiddie porn or bestiality or snuf films or clearly fraudulent tax documents laying around, you're probably going to want to put those in a safe deposit box and bury the key next to something in your yard. If you use illegal drugs, 5 days clean , eh, make it three. They cant force you to pee, only trick you into volunteering. If you chose to, to prove your serious, admit the possibility of being dirty, possesion by consumption is no longer a crime. Say you were self medicating because you were scared, but you're not going to cower anymore. That's all i got Tim. Godspeed my friend.
I hope you got it figured out tim, but if not, it's one of your neighbors. Someone close enough to get a signal all day every day. Here's how to find which one: leave a Bluetooth speaker plugged into the wall. Use a high quality aftermarket cable and charge block. Keep it paired, give it trusted device status. Crank up some tunes every evening for a couple hours, same time, a few days in a row. Then don't turn on any music for a couple nights. Quietly, very very quietly sneak up on your speaker, and hold it to your ear. I'm not messing with you tim. You will hear the background noise of whoever is listening to you. It works like a stethoscope, the speaker does. It's an open channel, a hot mike. Now, if you had someone that could nonchalant rap on your neighbors doors, one to the next, marking the time, or you just call them when you hear the knock, through your speaker, that's them. It can be a bum from a corner, pay him 50$, explain the situation, draw it out on a map, whatever. If you don't have anyone, just listen in frequently till you hear some distinct music and walk up to one house, put your ear to the door. Either way, knock and ask to borrow a couple eggs, you didn't realize you were out and wanted to make some brownies. Give it a couple hours or next time you hear a program, album, whatever, next house. Maybe but a cheap little voice recorder (nonbluetooth) and narrate the situation out. Nobody is going to hurt you, it's just a pyramid scheme. A random cybercriminal got your info scanning the network, it's easy for them. Then they got your neighbors number, called them and said god knows what, your bad somehow, and asked for their help to get a baddy out of your peaceful neighborhood. Ya know, for the childrens sake. They get the neighbor all fired up, vigilante superhero, get them to donate to the cause, idk, to pay some professional, or cloud services, or something. Show them an altered video that might look or sound like you doing something bad, but it's photoshopped, you're just out of frame, and there's background noise. Maybe something weird in a parking lot or basement. I lost everything. My friends, wife daughter, house, carreer, family, got 3 felonies, locked up for two years. I have anxiety depression ptsd cptsd add bipolar, lost all social skills, physically a wreck. Whoever is doing this to you doesn't even know what they're doing, they think they are helping. and the cops think you're crazy, but you're not. It's real. It's a scam. Just 1 of the clubs, these groups, proudly has 2.2 million members worldwide. Where do you think everyone went? They're inside, screwing each other over thinking they are batman. It's a pyramid scheme, they're charging everyone for lessons, sneakpeaks, access, privalages. The more you pay, you get tiny rewards, a free drawing somewhere, a 20% off coupon. The more people you ruin, you get a higher ranking on a leaderboard. They gamified ruinig your own neighborhood, friends and family. It's mass paranoia and gangstalking. But everyone is just as scared as you, if you stand tall, keep that chin up high, real high, and start busting your neighbors, the others will get scared and stop. Then tell the rest about it, get them to to quitly go to the cops and explain the situation, and then the feds can come in and start tracking these people down. Tim, you have the truth on your side. Do you remember what happened when they sent pontius pilot to interrogate jesus? Stand up straight, look them in the eye, and ask them if you're lying, if you're making things up. Chin up high, look them dead in the eyes like they're staring at a cold hard mountain. The truth is the truth Tim, we're fooled by lies all the time, it's just the way our brains work. But everyone knows the truth when they see it. I promise you Tim, nobody will hurt you, they can't, it would draw attention if they tried, and if the secret becomes public, it's all over. They're just outcasts, computer nerds that got make fun of and didn't have the skills and strength to overcome it, so they're seeking revenge. I don't blame them in a way. It wasn't nice what happened to them, and they probably just missed the joke. Hurt people hurt people. It's sad. Don't be angry at the people doing this. Find the compassion in you as you hold them accountable for they're actions. Jesuses last words, as he die crucified between two dead theives crucified on either side of him - forgive them father, for they know not what they have done. Let's go ahead and just nip this in the bud before things get really out of hand. Because that's what the long game is. I won't tell you anymore, that's all you need to know. It's your friends, family, and neighbors. Love them like a good father. They have been naughty yes, but they aren't fully aware of the ramifications of their actions, they are only guilty of a small sin, and can be forgiven. They just need to understand, the only privacy ANYONE has, is that which is GIVEN to them by those around them. Privacy isnt a right. It's a gift. A gift that EVERYONE would like to have, and one that eases our own minds and hearts to give. What people do behind closed doors is their own business. For all of us. That is choice, that is freedom. We are not a democracy, we are a democratic Republic. That means a nation with laws, voted on by the constituents selected by the people. Our forefathers were libertarians. That's why they put in checks and balances. Laws in public, for the safety of the people. Inside your fence, respectfully, you are sovereign. Bihind your door, be whomever you choose. People on infringinging on you god given rights, that is a truth, it is self evident. They need checked, so balance can be restored. We are equals in this country Tim, no man shall have power over another. Controling your neighbors with fear is terrorists. That is the definition. But you need a fact to present to the judge, so he can do his job. He cant start ruling against neihbors on heresay, no matter how terrified you are. But you can do this, if you girdle yourself with the awesome power of truth. One truth, is stronger than all the lies. But you have to stick your chest out, and say it clearly with a strong voice so everyone knows. And they will. Ps, fun psychology fact - the conscious and subconscious brain/mind cannot tell the difference between real confidence and being scared and faking confidence. Look it up, it's true. So it's okay to be afraid, anyone would be after being harrassed. You don't have to be a mountain. You can just be a man. A man in the image of a mountain. MLK Jr did it, Ghandi did it, JFK, even Hitler. All of them, just men, like you and I. And they made a difference. One step forward Tom. One step towards your front door is momentum that's all it takes for a little tiny ball of snow, as small as a grain of rice, to start collecting momentum, and mass, and force, and fury. Remember, the truth exists on it's own, it is separate from everything, nothing in this world can diminish it or tarnish it, it cannot be bent or broken, it is indellible. Truth is stronger than any mountain, it outlasts moons and planets and suns and galaxies. A is A. It can be obfuscated though, maked, veiled, colored over, but behind that, it remains unchanged. All it takes is someone to pull back the curtain, bring it to light, and it prevails all on it's own. It doesn't need your help if it can be seen, it just needs pushed into the public view. Just one truth, one fact, one bit of evidence that is sound enought, or at least sounds good enough to allow the good guys to do a little more probing. They cant pit neighbors against neighbors without some kind of evidence, it would be civil war. Just get something. Give them something, then they can lean on someone, get them nervous so they slip up a little. Momentum. Same way they hacked you. Clicked on an email, a text, an ad. Harmless. Little tiny strand of code openened a little tiny mousehole in one of your devices security fences. Found anouther little tiny weak spot from there. Then another. Soon they have several small permissions, can change a harmless setting, see a notification. It takes time and effort, theres no magic key, but in a few weeks, they have your whole life, every account every device, they can make them do whatever they want, show you anything they like. The internet is just pictures on your phone Tim. i know it's terrifying feeling violated like that, losing your privacy and security, but those weren't real things either. Those were feelings, but no more real than the feeling of fear or anxiety or distrust you have now. People are real, their actions are real, and laws and crime and punishment are real, and the police and fbi and cia will help you, they want to stop this before more people get hurt. Find a way, to get something. If you record them without their knowledge, that evidence cannot be used in court. But if it proves they are tampering with an electronic device, using any piece of software in any way that makes you feel uncomfortable without your express permission, disrupting your information or access in any way, these are very serious crimes, and there are very serious task forces in every branch of government that would love to be the ones that broke this thing open. Every app you use, every device, every service and platform says right in the user agreement, any missise will be investigated by the app or sevice company, and any use other than intended will result in a disabled account and civil litigation. Turn your own phone in to your own apps. Turn off wifi bluetooth location, EVERYTHING but cell data. Turn your phone off. Go to wallmart. Find a quiet isle. Turn your phone on. Now they are not connected. They can only maintain a cell network connection for 5 to 7 minutes without a signal, and only if you are still in the same place ish if it comes back on in that window. Now you're free, start with your buggiest app, probably your browser and search engine. They hide things in clock and calculator too, those are favorites. Pull upp the app info, contact the maker, ask them to take a data log you believe your system is compromised and may be harmful to the public. Because it is. Once you have a virus to you are the virus. That in NOT in indication of wrongdoing Tim, just bad lud luck. Get your apps on your side, if things start getting shut down on your phone, you can ask a task force or google or whatever you are running to contact the company and see if they were able to run a trace. They were. It probably shows your own router or another device. That is good, that is progress. Connect all the different companies and agencies with each other so they can all share information about how you are a virus, and they can all together find out where it came from, and from who. You WILL be proven innocent. You will probably get nice new upgraded devices with free great security programs for helping and free classes and traing on how to protect yourself as a thank you, because the companies that own the programs don't want that crap in theyre systems, or to be know to contain it, they want their customers to feel safe using their product, and recommend it to friends and family. They want you to write a testimonial on their website about how scary it was, and how they helped you, and how you'll be a customer for life. Everyone wants to help you Tim. And they will. Just gotta know how to ask for help. Nobody is in the business of going out of their way for some stranger who sounds like a lunatic, no offense. Calm clear voice. Good posture. New haircut, good outfit, eye contact, chest out, chin up. Excuse me sir, but i believe my device is infected with MALWARE and is a danger to the public. Can you help me see how dangerous it is, and how destructive and virulent it may be? . And toss it to them, watch their horrified reaction, lol. Like it's a demon ! HA! Say, oh, there's nothing to worry about now, weve already been this close for this long, it's already in your phone now. Another few day it will have your whole life too. Hey, i have a nice spot under a bridge picked out, your welcome to share it with me if you like. And smile, a nice, honest, genuine, compassionate smile. Because that is the true man that you are. Watch how fast they crack that phone open. You never threatened anyone. Hopefully you have a voice recording app rolling when you are doing this. If it is at the police station, ask the officer to please turn on his body cam, with audio, first thing when you walk up. Trust me, if you open with THAT, you WILL have their attention. And believe me, they WILL take everything you say VERY seriously. Cops are paranoid and scared too tim. God, they have to think about getting hurt or having to hurt someone else all day every day. They are targeted individuals too you know. Difference is, they have a gang, resources, tech, training, and aren't afraid to fight back. So get them interested in how serious this is. Be calm and strong like they are, they will see it and respect it and treat you like they treat each other. Not like a lamb, like a sheepdog. Looking out for the flock. So, maybe you plant a recording device you bought off Amazon under your fake neighbors couch cushion on a little fake visit to use their phone because your service is being wonky. Call your sibling or whoever and say hi, what are you up to this weekend, ask if you could trouble them for a glass of water you were just trying out a new shadow boxing book you borrowed from a friend at work. Come back in a couple days, same performance, retrieve the recorder. Maybe you hear something interesting. That is evidence for the police to open an investigation. So what if your little recording cant be used in court. That wasn't it's purpose. It was a catalyst. A peanut in a mouse trap. They aren't going to charge you with a crime for being a victim. If you have any kiddie porn or bestiality or snuf films or clearly fraudulent tax documents laying around, you're probably going to want to put those in a safe deposit box and bury the key next to something in your yard. If you use illegal drugs, 5 days clean , eh, make it three. They cant force you to pee, only trick you into volunteering. If you chose to, to prove your serious, admit the possibility of being dirty, possesion by consumption is no longer a crime. Say you were self medicating because you were scared, but you're not going to cower anymore. That's all i got Tim. Godspeed my friend.
Gosh that felt good. Hey, anybody heard from Tim lately? I didn't see that rope mention before i replied. F
Tim is probably lost all access to his previous emails and devices. I have gone through 24 in 2 years because of my pervert ex digitally stalking me. I still dont know how to stop him.
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