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New Bionic in its way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2010
This phone is Fast and smooth. However I constantly lose 3G, 4GLTE, Wifi. Bluetooth you name it?
Music skips on Blue tooth and frequently just randomly stops playing altogether. After speaking to a Tier 2 tech at Verizon briefly we came to the conclusion that a New Bionic is going to be the best resolution to issues Im having. Without any arguments or debate the Rep is sending out my replacement?
Just wanted to share a positive experience with Customer Service.
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After two days, I lost all 4G connectivity. Wifes was working fine. Stopped by the VZW store and told them what was happening. Explained that I THINK the 4g radio might be bad... "No, cant be or you wouldnt have 3g service". Not arguing with them, I let them do their thing... now that they are in closing hours (past 9pm).

After several reset attempts and a new SIM card... they just swapped the whole thing.

So far, I'm happy with it.

BATT life, with moderate use seems to be about 15 hrs. Which at that point I get my 20% color bar. It actually went for 18hrs before I hit the 5% life.

So, in summary, so far so good.. May wanna try to hit the local store just before closing...;)
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