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New Employer-Provisioned S-III


My employer pays the monthly fee on my Galaxy S-III. I paid for the device. How can I change the password settings, or disable it all together? It is a pain to constantly have to enter the PW, especially when I am driving or walking. Are these locked down by the employer such that I can't change it?
Hi Jcman, first welcome to the site.

I would venture a guess that you are meant to have the password to protect the information on the device. I'd personally ask whoever would be responsible at your work to see if either a) it's possible, or b) allowed. You'd hate to get in trouble at work over password settings.

That being said, it should be somewhere around the Settings > Security area. I don't have a S-III so I don't know for sure.

Best of luck. And hope you enjoy the site.
Welcome to the forums, Jcman!
I know my wife's Bionic had to have a it be PW protected once she was hooked up to her works' Exchange server and she had no ability to turn it off. Yours may be in a similar case.
At my work, our security policy requires us to password protect our mobile devices. You may want to check the security policy at your work to make sure you are allowed to remove any levels of security on your device. If you lose your phone, you work place would like to ensure that anyone unauthorised who tries to user your phone is unable to access any sensitive data that your company owns.
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