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New face of the Democrats!

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Fenga, Fenga why don't you stick your Fenga where the sun don't shine. I am from South Carolina and the Democratic party here essentially doesn't exist. This guy was given the money by republican operatives to run and there will be an investigation. More republican dirty tricks. The party of dirty tricks.
Can you cite your sources, or is this just more liberal denial? Face facts, Alvin Greene got the votes of liberals that supported him, for whatever reason. Now you look stupid. No cure for that....I'll let Ron White tell you the bad news:

YouTube - Ron White - Stupid is forever
Can you cite your sources, or is this just more liberal denial? Face facts, Alvin Greene got the votes of liberals that supported him, for whatever reason. Now you look stupid. No cure for that....I'll let Ron White tell you the bad news:

Do you think that you might, for the common good, tone down the insults aimed at posters who do not agree with you on various issues?

Thanks for your consideration.
Do you think that you might, for the common good, tone down the insults aimed at posters who do not agree with you on various issues?

Thanks for your consideration.
Pot, meet kettle!
Jesus, that's like you asking Oilbama to not jump to conclusions when he doesn't have the facts because he might look like a tool.

Now them, please point out where I "insulted" the poster. Be specific.
Pot, meet kettle!
Jesus, that's like you asking Oilbama to not jump to conclusions when he doesn't have the facts because he might look like a tool.

Now them, please point out where I "insulted" the poster. Be specific.

For starters, you might consider your phrase " Now you look stupid. No cure for that..."

Let me give you a theoretical example. Let's say that I posted this, aimed at you:

"Many of your posts make you look stupid, and there's no cure for that."

Would you consider that an insult?

If it were aimed at me, I would.

The point is, there's no reason to continuously insult other posters here. It is possible to have discourse without frequently resorting to calling posters who disagree with you ugly names, or making ugly implications about them.

For all you know, the other poster's IQ might be 20 points higher than yours.
I live in this state, as a matter of fact, I live in the great capital city of Columbia. I suspect I know more.about.what's going on here than you. This guy couldn't come up with the 10,000 to file if his life depended on it. He didn't campaign at all and cannot articulate a position on the time of day. As I said, the democratic party is virtually nonexistent in this state except in a few centralized locales. If Mickey Mouse had been on the ballot he would have had a statistical chance to win.
There is much evidence that liberals hate America and our freedoms, …

Knock this shit off. Christ. This idea that if "you don't agree with us, you hate America! you hate freedom!" is bottom-feeder politics. It's Fox News-worthy commentary. Hannity garbage. Aren't you smarter than that?

I don't care where you stand but standing on one side of the aisle shouting "My flag is bigger than your flag" is nonsense.

Many liberal policies are based around the idea of helping all Americans. Many of these things are accomplished by large government. Some of this involves taxation. Some of it requires re-managing spending.

Disagree with the "how we do it" — that's cool. But can you really be against helping more people? I have respect for Conservative financial values because sometimes they are appropriate. But to sit there and say people are unAmerican because we don't believe in pure Conservative spending makes you sound highly uneducated.

Just sayin'
For starters, you might consider your phrase " Now you look stupid. No cure for that..."
You just know I'm going to point out that this is another of your "Whoopsie-daisy!" moments, right? Nah, I'll go easy on you since you seem overly sensitive today.

You seriously misread what I posted. Perhaps you were looking to take offense and, "Voila!" you created it? Sounds about right to me.

You cherry-picked apart my words to try and accuse me of what you misunderstood with your faulty reading. Here is what I actually said, in a fuller context:

Alvin Greene got the votes of liberals (note the plural!) that supported him, for whatever reason. Now you (figurative!) look stupid. No cure for that
Without your hatchet job of purposely misconstruing what I said, my statement reads quite differently and is not an insult to the poster as I have no idea whom he voted for, or if he even voted at all. I was speaking of the liberals in the state that voted for Greene as looking "stupid." But of course you know that. This is just your pathetic attempt at a hatchet job on me. Why? Because I don't agree with you and have proved your claims to be worthless and laughable on several occasions before. And I back up what I claim with sources when I turn your claims upside down.

You tried to smear me but it blew up in your face and exposed yourself. Have fun, did you?

Let me give you a theoretical example. Let's say that I posted this, aimed at you:

"Many of your posts make you look stupid, and there's no cure for that."

Would you consider that an insult?
Your example is an epic fail. The context is totally different. I spoke of the collective group that voted for Green; you are precisely and pointedly insulting me directly in your example.

The point is, there's no reason to continuously insult other posters here. It is possible to have discourse without frequently resorting to calling posters who disagree with you ugly names, or making ugly implications about them.
Well then, I vote that you stop doing this! It appears to make you most unhappy with yourself. Here's my question: Why take your self-inflicted frustration out on me? Get a girlfriend.

For all you know, the other poster's IQ might be 20 points higher than yours.
Oooooooo!!! Ugly implication!!! Teacher, he's being mean to me!!!!!

I live in this state, as a matter of fact, I live in the great capital city of Columbia. I suspect I know more.about.what's going on here than you. This guy couldn't come up with the 10,000 to file if his life depended on it. He didn't campaign at all and cannot articulate a position on the time of day. As I said, the democratic party is virtually nonexistent in this state except in a few centralized locales. If Mickey Mouse had been on the ballot he would have had a statistical chance to win.
Can you supply proof that your mere residence in Columbia, SC makes you an unquestioned and unimpeachable expert on SC politics? One held in higher regard, with stronger qualifications, expertise, and experience than known and respected analysts? Pretty please?

Have to say that I am excited about the new face of the Democratic party!

One news program said that Greene saved money for two years to pay the fee. Jon Stewart did a great report on this....here, I'll post the link for you. Stewart nails it at 6:59 and from there on out, but the whole bit is hilarious! :) If you like Jon Stewart you'll love this.

Video: Alvin Greene Wins South Carolina Primary | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

BTW, Columbia, SC is a gorgeous city. You're fortunate to live there.
Direct quotes from a guy who was responding to my polite request that he tone down the personal insults:

your "Whoopsie-daisy!" moments, right...

you seem overly sensitive today...

You seriously misread what I posted...

your faulty reading...

Without your hatchet job of purposely misconstruing what I said,...

This is just your pathetic attempt at a hatchet job on me. ..

proved your claims to be worthless and laughable on several occasions before...

You tried to smear me but it blew up in your face and exposed yourself...

Why take your self-inflicted frustration out on me? Get a girlfriend...

Knock this shit off. Christ. This idea that if "you don't agree with us, you hate America! you hate freedom!" is bottom-feeder politics. It's Fox News-worthy commentary. Hannity garbage. Aren't you smarter than that?
Damn, I couldn't set this up better if I tried. So it's bottom-feeder politics? And only Fox News commentators do this?


"Who in this country would not want to change a policy of kicking in doors in the middle of the night and sending a parent away from their families?" Pelosi told a mostly Hispanic gathering at St. Anthony's Church in San Francisco.
Video: Click here to view the video of Pelosi speaking.
"It must be stopped....What value system is that? I think it's un-American. I think it's un-American."
FOXNews.com - Pelosi Tells Illegal Immigrants That Work Site Raids are Un-American

Pelosi over-dramatizes the truth as she plays to her core and says that enforcing our laws (read: and those that support them) is un-American! You were saying? Something about bottom-feeding? Oh, wait...there's more!

Uber liberal Joan Walsh of Salon.com on Hardball with Chris "I tinkled down my leg!" Matthews:

The climate right now is that Republicans use everything they can to undermine and delegitimize this president. And it
Direct quotes from a guy who was responding to my polite request that he tone down the personal insults:

your "Whoopsie-daisy!" moments, right...

you seem overly sensitive today...

You seriously misread what I posted...

your faulty reading...

Without your hatchet job of purposely misconstruing what I said,...

This is just your pathetic attempt at a hatchet job on me. ..

proved your claims to be worthless and laughable on several occasions before...

You tried to smear me but it blew up in your face and exposed yourself...

Why take your self-inflicted frustration out on me? Get a girlfriend...

You are ignoring:

1) You accused me of insulting another poster by misconstruing what I had said and taking my words out of context. I proved you wrong and exposed your little plot as just a pitiful attack on me. Either you lied, or cannot grasp written context. Which is it?

2) You accused me of employing ugly implications, then conveniently ignored your own aimed at me. That makes you a hypocrite.

3) Can you prove me wrong in the above words you cherry-picked from my post?

Your obsession with me would be flattering if you were female, hot, and a brick house. Sadly, you are none of these.
If you boys can't have a polite exchange then you may need to find a different forum to visit. This may be apart of the lounge, but as you have all been told before the rules still apply. Disrespectful posting and personal attacks are still not allowed.

I ask each of you to really think about you motivations when you post in this part of the forum. Are you trying to be informative to the other members or are you looking for a fight?

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