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New Google Car Home


Android Expert
So after reading some of the comments on appbrain, and a search for it myself, it seems DX owners can't get this. I'm rooted running tranqility 2.3.5 with beasleys build prop edits. I can find it on app brain, but links to the market say can't find requested item. Anybody wanna throw the apk up for us?
So after reading some of the comments on appbrain, and a search for it myself, it seems DX owners can't get this. I'm rooted running tranqility 2.3.5 with beasleys build prop edits. I can find it on app brain, but links to the market say can't find requested item. Anybody wanna throw the apk up for us?

yeah something weird going on. Can't see it on the market, appbrain shows it and says I can install it but it never shows on the phone when I sync with appbrain. Try to download directly from phone from appbrain gets a not found error. The 3d bar code airmax posted linked to nothing. I wonder if it got it get pulled?

Anyone have the apk ?
The other ones are better anyway, I use Car Dock and it has 5 screens, support for widgets and shortcuts and a widget screen saver. Works great for me!
wow, who has two thumbs and feels like a noob?

I am using this with RubiX and love it, EXCEPT the voice search. You might want to copy the stock voice search to your SD and add it back to this car dock. The stock search lets you search music, nav, place calls, ect. The voice search with this goofle app just does nav. I did this and now love the new dock.
letting my noob flag fly today, how do you do that?

With root explorer, after pressing mount r/o, long press on the apk file, press permissions and make sure there is a check mark it the following: User- read, write; Group- read; and Others- read. Then just restart the phone again.
do I need to allow the user to execute as well? I've honestly never had to install an app this way. I've only deleted apps from the system never added.
I added the carhome launcher.apk and it worked. Not sure if that was needed, but it worked.

Jreed, I did allow user to execute as well.
Immmmm dumb.
Installed the apk. Moved to system/app. Read on to find out i need to change permissions. Did that. Rebooot. Done.
still nothing. What am i missing?
I'm not sure what your missing. I downloaded the app to my sd card. moved it from my downloads folder to the system/app folder. longpressed and changed permissions, rebooted and viola it was there. It gives you more screens to set up custom applications. I haven't got a chance to play with it much but I'll post back after i put it thru its paces
its there, shoukd it be named different? Mines com.google.carhome.apk
Also do i need to plug it into the car dock, or does running the car dock do the same thing?
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