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New guy with a NEW (good) question/idea


Salutation androdians!!!..no wait thats corny...

how's it poppin googlians?....no?

ok ANYWAYS!!! how is everyone doing? i for one am feeling like a crack addict about this phone, i'm so :eek: !.
so yea, i love this freakin phone man. i have the lg viewty. piece of shyt phone but GREAT camera. i chose it over the n95 UNFORTUNATELY, then suited for the n96...and NOW waiting for me tmobile Gspot..i mean...g1. well in retrospect, the g1 DOES tickle my Gspot..so yea....

kinda sucks that the white one isn't ready due to manufacturing problems but it might be a tmobile marketing scheme to release it as soon as the black n bronze ones get boring to make just a little more money (sidekick lx/slide anyone?). had those phones as well.

my theory

so i'm thinking. the g1 doesnt have STEREO bluetooth right? ok, so what if we buy a min usb bluetooth adapter with ad2p sold here:


or something similar (bear with me here people!) then use THAT to connect to your stereo head....set....ok i just realize that it mght not work. but just throwing it out there.

the reason i came up with this was because i was thinking that maybe since the g1 doesnt have ad2p bluetooth, maybe SOMEONE can make a driver/software for ANDROID, but hen it hit me: since the g1 had a regular edr bluetooth CHIP, INSIDE the phone, how can one CONVERT the EDR bluetooth to act as a ad2p bluetooth? wouldn't that chip be INCAPABLE? thats like saying my cuban ass can't swim. lol hahahahahaha.... no seriously. that would be great tho, i think its a pretty smart theory...any comments?
kinda sucks that the white one isn't ready due to manufacturing problems

Manufacturing problems, eh? Really? You heard that from what reputable source? White plastic is not rocket science. Ever look at your toothbrush? Yeah, white plastic. ZOMG I wonder how many phd's it took to come up with that. My guess is that they're just holding that out until launch to make some lines at the store, nothing more.

so i'm thinking. the g1 doesnt have STEREO bluetooth right? ok, so what if we buy a min usb bluetooth adapter with ad2p sold here:

Hey wow, you just thought of the most obvious idea ever.

The BT hardware that's in the phone supports A2DP, the programming just isn't done yet. If you just chill, you'll most likely get it in an upcoming update.

ObDisclaimer: this is my best guess, not based on any fact other than the phone has BT 2.0 in it which can support A2DP.

P.S. welcome to the forums, I'm not a jackass, I just play one on tv ;)
nope, you're a jackass.

(HA! you left yourself open to that one bro! :) )

That's ok, I deserve that anyway! :D

Actually, I took a further look at the link (I thought she was referencing an 1/8" jack to BT adapter, but it turns out it is not. It's a straight USB - BT adapter which won't work at all for three reasons:

1. supported systems:

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
  • Windows 98/ME
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
No Android support there

2. A USB dongle like that needs a USB port that runs in host mode. I'm 99.9% sure that the G1 is not capable of running in host mode

3. You'd need software that would take the playing music stream and squirt it out over bluetooth....aaaaaaannd if you were doing that, you should just use the built-in BT hardware and avoid the need for a dongle in the first place.

There ya go, a post with slightly less jackassery. :p
johnny knoxville? is that you? well i SPECIFICALLY read an article stating that it doesn't support streaming SOUND through bletooth, so thats why i came up with that idea. plus i'm sure SOMEONE will make it possible (opensource) so yea....
well i SPECIFICALLY read an article stating that it doesn't support streaming SOUND through bletooth

I just LOVE it when people use CAPs for EMPHASIS. :D

3xL, I don't disagree with your statement above in the slightest. All I'm saying is that everything is there except the software. Adding unsupported hardware isn't going to make it easier. :cool:
johnny knoxville? is that you? well i SPECIFICALLY read an article stating that it doesn't ...
This thread would be a whole lot more enlightening and useful if YOU had posted some link to something relevant and useful to this discussion.

Without it, you'd just get flamed.
i don't lower myself to flamers, and when i said "specifically", i didn't mean it in a mean way, i was just saying that i read an article that was SPECIFICALLY talking about that subject, its all.
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