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Help new legend owner, few queries


Oct 4, 2010
hi guys,
i've had my legend for about a week now and i love it, the wife don't seem to understand though!

anyway just a few things

i've just recently downloaded the "advanced task killer free" app. it all seems ok, but someone i know said it's a bad thing for the androids and not to use and uninstall it. i'd rather see what other people say before i do this, what are other legend users opinion on this?

sometimes when i get incoming calls and i answer it (when in locked/sleep mode) the phone connects me, but the screen goes black and i can't hang up or use any of the options. is this normal? am i meant press anything inparticular to bring it back up?

also when i unlock the phone to bring it to home screen, sometimes my pages flicker from left to right, i'm not even touching anything (not the screen nor the tracker ball thingy). does this happen to anyone else?

i look forward to your replies guys, i really like this phone and i think it's great, so if you guys could help me i'd really appreciate it.

cheers Dan


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