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Help new micro sd card need help specific data


Feb 18, 2011

i know there are posst out there regarding this, but not for specific data transfer, i just need a bit of help.
i got a new 32gb micro sd card.

now what i would like to do is only transfer what i need.
for pictures, vids etc i know what to do.
but for saved game data, where will i find the saved data? i want to move angry birds saved data, (i completed most of the levels and i dont want to lose the levels i completed)
and for other apps , like gun bros etc
i have some apps on the phone and some on the sd card, some apps cannot be transfered to the sd card.

the reason why i want to move only specific data, is because, i have noticed that when i install an app and uninstall it some data (files, folders) are left on the phone or sd card and its a mess, i really dont want to move unwanted files folders on the new sd card.

please can someone help, thanks.


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