I wonder if Cricket is getting to big now since this recent promo. I am having no issues where I live, but I did refer a friend that live 45 minutes South of me in Miami. She hooked up 5 lines, and has had nothing but issues with Cricket. All 5 lines would receive only about 30% of the incoming calls, all other calls never rang on their lines and went straight to VM. Since these phones are being used for their business, this was concerning to them. They spent days trying to figure out the issue with Cricket, they even said Cricket had an activation issue in Miami for a few days. So they wait a few more days, but still the issue persisted. After a week of going back and forth with Cricket store and their online service, they were still not able to find the issue. I called one of there lines 8 times in a row, and not once did it ring on their device. This was with full bars of signal, replaced SIM cards, and 2 different phones. I'm sad to say, she cancelled 4 of the lines and took them to another carrier because they were loosing business, she decide to keep her line for now, but it has been a week since and she is still having the same issues, and she will be leaving Cricket also now. This is in a large metropolitan city of Miami, you figure this should not happen, but concerning enough, Cricket doesn't have an answer. The best part, when she called Cricket customer service yesterday, telling them she was leaving also, they said they had nothing in the system about her calling and complaining about the service.

This does not make me very happy, since I referred her and convinced her to go to Cricket.
It's nice that they are increasing our data, but what is a service if it doesn't work, especially when this service is coming off of AT&T towers.
So I'm curious if anyone else on this forum in the Miami area is having this issue, so I can relay it back to her. Please advise, thanks all