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Help New Screen Problem


Sep 23, 2011
Hi There

First post and already looking for some help!

OK, so I dropped my Desire Z (which was only 6 months old, UK version).

The screen itself is cracked and black and essentially broken though the front glass is OK (this has bene verified by the local shop who tried to repair).

They did get a new screen though this did nothing, remained black and didnt work. However, my old broken screen worked perfect and is bakc in. So, the shop are ordering a new screen on the basis the brand new screen they got is faulty.

Can someone tell me though:

1) Is there more than 1 type of screen for the HTC Desire Z?
2) if so, what are they ? I heard there was 2 though also read elsewhere this was only for the Desire itslef ... I have the Desire Z....

Any help is appreciated. I cant fix it myself so need the shop to do it and if I can ID the right screen here, I can help them and get my phone back!

Cheers for any help!



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