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Apr 2, 2012
So I guess it's time to eat my own words...When I said I didn't think any more Rezound OTAs were coming, I meant things like a new OS version. But This article from Android Police is interesting. The OTA page from Verizon says that they're enabling Global Roaming. Does this mean a radio version upgrade?

Has anyone who's running stock had it pushed out yet? Or has anyone been able to pull it down manually? What's the new radio version (if any)?
This should be what you were looking for...


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I'm running stock. I live in a pretty rural area with poor service anyway, so I always have bad data connection. Not sure I can be of much help to you guys, but I was having a terrible time before. I hope it has improved.

Since the update my phone beeps when I don't have a mail/text, beeps when I do have a mail/text, and beeps shortly after I get a mail/text it seems to remind me there is a mail/text. It's getting really annoying. It's as if I get a beep to say one is coming, a beep to say one is here, and a beep to say Did you see it. Doesn't happen every time.
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I figured out my problem. When the update installed on my phone it set it so that I received a notification when I lost a data signal. Since I live in an area with poor service, I was getting notifications all the time. I turned that off, and everything is back to normal.

Does seem to run a little better. Nothing I can exactly put my finger on. Keyboard is worse maybe.
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I checked for it and it was ready to go. I so wish I had waited. So far all I notice is that it wiped my ext SD card. What a fool I am for not waiting to see what others say on this and other forums and to have not backed up over 1,000 pix, videos and all of my music, gone. I can reload my music, but wow almost all those pix gone, It left me with 86 pix. Now I have a new notification up top saying my sd card is blank or an unsupported format, WTH? I can't even clear the stoopid notification. I think Big red fubared me on this and they don't even have a phone I want on the shelf, as my contract was up in March. My #3 Rezzy was working just fine before this update, I have no idea if anything good came out of it, but I'm just plain pissed off!
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Got the update today and much to my surprise the Rezound is finally Global, wicked !

Battery life is a little better and I also have a little more memory, nice.

Everything else is in working order. Jelly Bean would be nice but this update just put the Rezound back towards the top tier. For a music lover like myself who also travels, this phone is sugary sweet.

I never get to say this but.... Thank you Verizon, better late then never.
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Mid-morning today I was surprised to find my Rezound updating all by itself; I was expecting it to allow me to choose to update when I was plugged in to power or on WiFi. Oh well, it seems to have worked out - Global Roaming on the menu now! Just glad I have the unlimited data plan :)

Does unlimited data cover roaming outside the US? That would be really cool as I have a trip to Canada coming up...

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Anyone have any idea why I wouldn't receive this update?

When I try to manually download it, I just get a message that no new updates are available, yet I'm still on 4.03....

I thought I returned my phone to stock, it is S-on, relocked, and I thought it had the most recent OTA update, although I'm a noob in some aspects when it comes to rooting.

I contacted Verizon and they suggested doing a factory reset...
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