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Nexus One = FAIL

Go check out the DROID forum and the comments from those running the 2.1 ROM. And that ROM ain't even optimized for the DROID. They seem to be doing just fine ;) You forget that both the N1 and DROID have the best chipsets out there. To believe otherwise is foolish.

Best chipsets N1 and Droid? Put the samsung moment in the middle. I like how people are literally sleeping on the notadvertiseduntilrecently Samsung Moment. Droid pushes 550 mhz, Moment pushed 800 mhz, then the N1 with 1 gig
Wow. Out here in DC T-mobile is terrible (at least it is cheap,) and even an N1 couldn't lure me to it. When it comes out on VZW, the "terribly expensive, terrible network that can't support me when I visit my overseas girlfriend," I will at least have some decent customer service for a prototype phone.

I really hate the form factor of the N1 and HTC's track record with WinMo, but I am willing to give them a look when Google brings the phone to a real network.
@ikon: There's nothing wrong with reassuring my fellow DROID owners about their purchases when "supposed" N1 brothers are telling them whenever they get a chance they bought a crap, "ugly" phone. As I said in an earlier post, "better" is relative. In some areas, like the CPU speed, the N1 is better. But there are a host of other areas in which the DROID simply is better made. Am I stirring up some sort of "civil war"? C'mon, fellas. We're talking about two phones here. With all the bugs and problems that N1 owners are having, it's like some of you are looking for opportunities to say, "No really, the N1 is the best phone!" As if to convince yourself... Like I said, "better" is a relative term.

Best chipsets N1 and Droid? Put the samsung moment in the middle. I like how people are literally sleeping on the notadvertiseduntilrecently Samsung Moment. Droid pushes 550 mhz, Moment pushed 800 mhz, then the N1 with 1 gig

Yeah, but the Moment pushes 800MHz out of a chip that's running the ARM11 architecture. I don't believe that there is a single ARM11 chip out there that can hang with an ARM Cortex A8 or v7 (that the N1 is running). This is just evidence of how someone will look at clock speed and say, "Yeah, definitely better: 800 > 550." Not only that, the Moment is running OS1.5 (I believe) and it's STILL sluggish. Not a good sign.
@ikon: There's nothing wrong with reassuring my fellow DROID owners about their purchases when "supposed" N1 brothers are telling them whenever they get a chance they bought a crap, "ugly" phone. As I said in an earlier post, "better" is relative. In some areas, like the CPU speed, the N1 is better. But there are a host of other areas in which the DROID simply is better made. Am I stirring up some sort of "civil war"? C'mon, fellas. We're talking about two phones here. With all the bugs and problems that N1 owners are having, it's like some of you are looking for opportunities to say, "No really, the N1 is the best phone!" As if to convince yourself... Like I said, "better" is a relative term.

Yeah, but the Moment pushes 800MHz out of a chip that's running the ARM11 architecture. I don't believe that there is a single ARM11 chip out there that can hang with an ARM Cortex A8 or v7 (that the N1 is running). This is just evidence of how someone will look at clock speed and say, "Yeah, definitely better: 800 > 550." Not only that, the Moment is running OS1.5 (I believe) and it's STILL sluggish. Not a good sign.

For a Driod owner who doesn't want/appreciate the N1, you sure do spend a lot of time in the "Nexus One" forum? Droid is lucky to have such loyal followers ready to defend it's good name and honer against the coming onslaught of "inferior" andriod invader phones.
For a Driod owner who doesn't want/appreciate the N1, you sure do spend a lot of time in the "Nexus One" forum? Droid is lucky to have such loyal followers ready to defend it's good name and honer against the coming onslaught of "inferior" andriod invader phones.

I already answered a inane comment like this: At the heart of it, I'm a techy. I like new technology. Right now, the N1 is the newest. When the X10 comes out, I'll be in that forum because the N1 would then be old news. In the meantime, you can enjoy my company :)
The Nexus One is my first owned Android phone but I can understand why people say it isn't a game changer. Compared to other Android phones it doesn't have much of a leg up on them, however the screen quality, build quality and speed is awesome. I have no need for a keyboard and personally find the Droid to be a little too chunky (Although that's to be expected with a keyboard enabled phone).

It also works perfect with my existing UK contract, to call it a fail is a little confusing. Sure, compared to the hype it's not a game changer, but it's still a solid and extremely well designed phone.
I already answered a inane comment like this: At the heart of it, I'm a techy. I like new technology. Right now, the N1 is the newest. When the X10 comes out, I'll be in that forum because the N1 would then be old news. In the meantime, you can enjoy my company :)
Actually if you were a tech guy, you would have a Nexus, rather than just talking about it.

I AM a tech guy... and any self respecting tech dude has a Nexus, period. It's only 500 bucks. Not like it will put you in the poorhouse.

Even Steve Wozniak(a self described tech/gadget guy) has a Nexus.

Sorry, but you talk the talk, but you don't walk the walk. Now, I will enjoy your company, while also knowing that which you speak about is based on nothing but what you hear and read, rather than experience with the Nexus. Translation: when sooper_Droid speaks of the Nexus, he does so from a position of ignorance.
Actually if you were a tech guy, you would have a Nexus, rather than just talking about it.

I AM a tech guy... and any self respecting tech dude has a Nexus, period. It's only 500 bucks. Not like it will put you in the poorhouse.

Even Steve Wozniak(a self described tech/gadget guy) has a Nexus.

Sorry, but you talk the talk, but you don't walk the walk. Now, I will enjoy your company, while also knowing that which you speak about is based on nothing but what you hear and read, rather than experience with the Nexus. Translation: when sooper_Droid speaks of the Nexus, he does so from a position of ignorance.

So, let me get this straight:

1) Every self-respecting tech guy needs to spend $500 on a phone Google designated an "iteration," i.e. an incremental phone in a line of others to come.
2) Everybody should have $500 in their wallet to spend on an N1 because it won't put someone in the poorhouse. So, if one finds it hard to spend $500 because their finances are tight, then a) he's poor, b) he's not a tech guy (as per #1).
3) All tech guys should be measured up to Steve Wozniak because he's the consummate tech guy. For him, $500 isn't a problem because his overall net worth is between $2-3 billion.

Let me ask you something Mr. Air Force One, while not all things that are written are true, is it possible that some things that are written are true? I'm a scientist (which should tell you I don't have $500 lying around for an N1) and I do a particular kind of research on tuberculosis. While I haven't done everything known to man regarding TB, I occasionally cite conclusions and data based on someone else's work in order to take the next step in my research.

You see, empirical data and facts are facts. While I haven't actually performed the experiments, I can accept those conclusions as fact. I may not own an N1, but others have had tangible experiences with their N1's and in many cases, have performed tests and gathered data regarding their N1s. The conclusions are: the N1 isn't all what its fanboys believe it to be.

Other than that, I find it personally insulting for you to assume that I (or anyone for that matter) would have $500 as disposable income and to imply that if I didn't that I would somehow be destined for the poorhouse. Some people have other financial responsibilities than stockpiling smartphones. Be that as it may, why would I spend $500 on a phone that I generally consider to be a disappointment wearing the Google Phone moniker? I believe your comment to be self-respecting and classless.

Ignorance is the lack of knowledge, learning and information. I believe I have demonstrated knowledge, having learned about the device and posted accurate information. To not be ignorant doesn't mean that one must own or be in ownership of the object in discussion.
I already answered a inane comment like this: At the heart of it, I'm a techy. I like new technology. Right now, the N1 is the newest. When the X10 comes out, I'll be in that forum because the N1 would then be old news. In the meantime, you can enjoy my company :)

I wouldnt say the Nexus will be OLD NEWS by then, no ones really excited for the x10 anymore since the nexus is (in my opinion) superior to the x10 (amoled screen, GPU, slimmer, 2.1...etc etc) Now maybe when the Bravo or Incredible comes out the Nexus will be distant news, although i don't think the Bravo will offer loads more than what the Nexus does, it certainly doesn't offer sexyness if the pictures will be what it actually looks like (which for some reason im doubting, i think they'll increase the sexyness)

Just sayin' :-P
I wouldnt say the Nexus will be OLD NEWS by then, no ones really excited for the x10 anymore since the nexus is (in my opinion) superior to the x10 (amoled screen, GPU, slimmer, 2.1...etc etc) Now maybe when the Bravo or Incredible comes out the Nexus will be distant news, although i don't think the Bravo will offer loads more than what the Nexus does, it certainly doesn't offer sexyness if the pictures will be what it actually looks like (which for some reason im doubting, i think they'll increase the sexyness)

Just sayin' :-P

I don't know why N1 owners are so sensitive about this! I don't mean "old news" as for hardware, but "old news" because the new news will be talking about the latest released hardware. When the next phone comes out, that'll be the latest news! I haven't seen owners so defensive since DROID owners hearing about the N1!
So, let me get this straight:

1) Every self-respecting tech guy needs to spend $500 on a phone Google designated an "iteration," i.e. an incremental phone in a line of others to come.
Yup, you're getting it.

If you're a "tech guy", you'd have one, yes. 500 bucks is not that much money, and I'm not rich, either. However, I have no trouble allocating funds for my hobby, which is technical gadgets.

I apologize if you found my comments classless but they were simply meant to be blunt, but truthful.

I would have more respect for your opinions if you actually had test driven a Nexus. Simple as that.

You seem to be a knowledgable guy. You would do a service to people in trying a Nexus and reporting your findings rather than just regurgitating what you read and hear about it.

Even the small part of your post I quoted comes from a place of ignorance. You have no idea whether this device is an incremantal improvement or not since you haven't tried one for yourself. You just talk, with no action.

You know what they say regarding actions vs. words.

Show me some action and I'll respect your words regarding the Nexus.

Anyway, like I said, you seem like a nice enough and smart enough dude. I have no issues with you personally.
ironic that some don't have $500 to spend on a Nexus One, yet they shovel gobs of money to Verizon EVERY month to have a subsidized Droid... :p
I believe I have demonstrated knowledge, having learned about the device and posted accurate information. To not be ignorant doesn't mean that one must own or be in ownership of the object in discussion.

I do dislike this criticising of other Android phone users and their choice of phones.....bit childish I find.

But, what I would say is that you are missing the point about one thing.....and that is that if you do not have a Nexus One in possession, you are missing on the look / feel / subliminal feedback that you get from holding the damn phone.

Sure, I can read & research about a phone but do I actually know what it is like until I have tried it, hell no.
The nexus one is in no way a disappointment, in relation to other android phones. The platform has the same fallbacks on every phone, but it is obviously hardware wise the most superior android phone yet, and there is nothing to really deem it "disappointing."
The nexus one is in no way a disappointment, in relation to other android phones. The platform has the same fallbacks on every phone, but it is obviously hardware wise the most superior android phone yet, and there is nothing to really deem it "disappointing."

Agree - I have not been disappointed at my Nexus as I was a bit with my Hero, when I realised the occasional sluggish behaviour with Sense UI running atop of vanilla Android.

If I had the choice, I would have the Nexus over the Bravo any day, as even with the Sense UI improved & looking great, it may still well run a bit slower at times.....(same hardware!).

Plus, I don't have to wait for HTC to frig around with the latest Android version before releasing a new Sense UI.
I don't know why N1 owners are so sensitive about this! I don't mean "old news" as for hardware, but "old news" because the new news will be talking about the latest released hardware. When the next phone comes out, that'll be the latest news! I haven't seen owners so defensive since DROID owners hearing about the N1!

Again, just sayin'.
Yup, you're getting it.

If you're a "tech guy", you'd have one, yes. 500 bucks is not that much money, and I'm not rich, either. However, I have no trouble allocating funds for my hobby, which is technical gadgets.

I apologize if you found my comments classless but they were simply meant to be blunt, but truthful.

I would have more respect for your opinions if you actually had test driven a Nexus. Simple as that.

You seem to be a knowledgable guy. You would do a service to people in trying a Nexus and reporting your findings rather than just regurgitating what you read and hear about it.

Even the small part of your post I quoted comes from a place of ignorance. You have no idea whether this device is an incremantal improvement or not since you haven't tried one for yourself. You just talk, with no action.

You know what they say regarding actions vs. words.

Show me some action and I'll respect your words regarding the Nexus.

Anyway, like I said, you seem like a nice enough and smart enough dude. I have no issues with you personally.

Hey now! I consider myself a tech guy and I don't have one. I sure would like one. However I am not going to buy it unlocked and then pay Sprint $200 to cancel my line. I could go the locked route - but then I am paying T-Mobile more monthly and I am not to sure about T-Mobiles service here.

So yeah as a "tech guy" everything tells me "BUY THIS PHONE NOOOOWWW" but as an intelligent mature person working a part time job, running my own business, going to college, raising three kids and keeping a wife happy it's just not a justifiable expense....but when I get my taxes that all could change.
I don't know why N1 owners are so sensitive about this! I don't mean "old news" as for hardware, but "old news" because the new news will be talking about the latest released hardware. When the next phone comes out, that'll be the latest news! I haven't seen owners so defensive since DROID owners hearing about the N1!

Nexus One owners are no more or less sensitive than Droid owners. Not to suggest you aren't aware of this, just making sure we aren't leaving anyone out.
If you're a "tech guy", you'd have one, yes. 500 bucks is not that much money, and I'm not rich, either. However, I have no trouble allocating funds for my hobby, which is technical gadgets.

I apologize if you found my comments classless but they were simply meant to be blunt, but truthful.

I would have more respect for your opinions if you actually had test driven a Nexus. Simple as that.

I am a tech guy. I designed and run a network of just over 200 machines. Nearly 50% are Linux machines, the rest are Mac and Windows machines. Is that "tech guy" enough?

I love pretty much everything Google.

I like HTC products.

I own a Moto Droid.

I own a Nexus One.

I paid $529 for the N1.

I just taped the FedEx shipping label on the N1 box to return it.

I ran headfirst into the N1 / TMO 3G problem

I am willing to accept paying $529 and having a defective phone out of the box.

I would have kept the N1 and returned the Droid had it worked for me.

I am not willing to pay $529, have connectivity problems and watch Google, HTC and TMO all point fingers at each other and with none providing decent support. Google just moved way too fast with the N1 without having decent support infrastructure in place.

I will keep the Droid and then look at giving it to my wife when the N1 or something better comes out on Verizon. But then again, the Droid does have a nicer screen than the N1, so maybe I'll just keep it. For me, right now, the Droid is a better device than the N1.

BTW, $500 is a lot of money for me. I guess I'm not a real "tech guy," eh?
I do dislike this criticising of other Android phone users and their choice of phones.....bit childish I find.

But, what I would say is that you are missing the point about one thing.....and that is that if you do not have a Nexus One in possession, you are missing on the look / feel / subliminal feedback that you get from holding the damn phone.

Sure, I can read & research about a phone but do I actually know what it is like until I have tried it, hell no.

exactly... some people rely TOO much on raw data... these are the people that have no appreciation for nice designs, usability, form factor, and that certain objective feel that you just can't put numbers too.... they also typically (not always) tend to be quite boring people :p
I am a tech guy. I designed and run a network of just over 200 machines. Nearly 50% are Linux machines, the rest are Mac and Windows machines. Is that "tech guy" enough?

I love pretty much everything Google.

I like HTC products.

I own a Moto Droid.

I own a Nexus One.

I paid $529 for the N1.

I just taped the FedEx shipping label on the N1 box to return it.

I ran headfirst into the N1 / TMO 3G problem

I am willing to accept paying $529 and having a defective phone out of the box.

I would have kept the N1 and returned the Droid had it worked for me.

I am not willing to pay $529, have connectivity problems and watch Google, HTC and TMO all point fingers at each other and with none providing decent support. Google just moved way too fast with the N1 without having decent support infrastructure in place.

I will keep the Droid and then look at giving it to my wife when the N1 or something better comes out on Verizon. But then again, the Droid does have a nicer screen than the N1, so maybe I'll just keep it. For me, right now, the Droid is a better device than the N1.

BTW, $500 is a lot of money for me. I guess I'm not a real "tech guy," eh?

maybe you just got a defective one - why not get a replacement and give it another shot? i mean, your choice obviously... but why give up so quickly?

maybe give this a shot when it hits :D... http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/19/motorola-motoroi-coming-to-usa-in-march/

and yes, $530 is a lot of coin.... that's a nice trip right there...

maybe you just got a defective one - why not get a replacement and give it another shot? i mean, your choice obviously... but why give up so quickly?

If AOT got a defective one, then there's an awful lot of defective ones out there as AOT mentioned the predominating issues and problems with the N1. He would likely just receive another N1 with the same problems. AOT is right to wait.

AOT: I am not willing to pay $529, have connectivity problems and watch Google, HTC and TMO all point fingers at each other and with none providing decent support. Google just moved way too fast with the N1 without having decent support infrastructure in place.

Exactly. It's not that the N1 is a bad product. It's just that Google rushed it out. But I guess it's a good thing for DROID owners because all the bugs related to 2.1+N1 are causing VZW/Moto/Goog to go over the OS with a fine tooth comb before they release the update to DROID. This also bodes well for the N1 coming to VZW as it will likely not see any of these issues early adopters are experiencing. All it took was a little more time... GOOG was just a bit premature with this release.
maybe you just got a defective one - why not get a replacement and give it another shot? i mean, your choice obviously... but why give up so quickly?

No, I don't believe the phone is defective. There is a well known problem with the N1 not being able to keep a solid 3G signal on TMO even in an area with good 3G coverage. Hardware problem, firmware problem, TMO network problem or some combination? I'm sure the issue will get worked out soon enough, but I just don't feel like fighting with it for $529.

I had to choose between dealing with that or the deadline of January 13th to return the Droid. I'd already returned an Eris for the Droid and I'm just sick of returning things and waiting for the next best thing.
I am a tech guy. I designed and run a network of just over 200 machines. Nearly 50% are Linux machines, the rest are Mac and Windows machines. Is that "tech guy" enough?

I love pretty much everything Google.

I like HTC products.

I own a Moto Droid.

I own a Nexus One.

I paid $529 for the N1.

I just taped the FedEx shipping label on the N1 box to return it.

I ran headfirst into the N1 / TMO 3G problem

I am willing to accept paying $529 and having a defective phone out of the box.

I would have kept the N1 and returned the Droid had it worked for me.

I am not willing to pay $529, have connectivity problems and watch Google, HTC and TMO all point fingers at each other and with none providing decent support. Google just moved way too fast with the N1 without having decent support infrastructure in place.

I will keep the Droid and then look at giving it to my wife when the N1 or something better comes out on Verizon. But then again, the Droid does have a nicer screen than the N1, so maybe I'll just keep it. For me, right now, the Droid is a better device than the N1.

BTW, $500 is a lot of money for me. I guess I'm not a real "tech guy," eh?
Geez:D sensitive much?:D

and no, you're not a real tech guy:D
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