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Help NFL MOBILE video quality??

Given the fact that its streaming live content I was actually impressed by the quality. It was good enough that I could easily follow the game. Of course it wasn't as good as HD cable but it was good enough for me!

Btw I was on wifi. It was pretty bad on 3G. Haven't tried 4G yet, don't have it.
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I will say that it is better than the Sunday Ticket app. I tried watching Red Zone on both (since that is the only thing that is the same) this weekend while I was out on 3G and the Sunday Ticket app would have the sound about 5 seconds ahead of the video. The NFL app was right on and about 50% of the time I had a perfect picture, 40% of the time I had little pixels boxes in places, but still good enough and 10% of the time the picture was not good enough to see. Granted this was streaming on 3G so I am not complaining, I just like being able to have it with me when I can not be at home infront of the TV.
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