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Night Owls Club-grab some coffee

Went shopping for baby stuff today. I saw a man with his wife who was around 6 months or so from the look of it, and man was this lady a BITCH. Poor guy was just trying to help his wife shop and she snapped at him with every suggestion he made. She kept getting a look on her face like she just had shit wiped under her nose and kept saying "Why would I want that? Are you serious, I don't want that, why would you even think I would want that"?!?!?! The guy looked at me with a distressed look and a half smile as if he was saying "Why did I get this woman pregnant, please shoot me in the face"... I feel bad for him, but only a little.

Then I took the family to eat and had a couple tall Sam Adams seasonal Pale Ales. I think they were Pale, I dunno, the were defiantly Ales though... it was tasty.

Now its bed time.... oh yeah.... CABLE INTERNET COMES TOMORROW!!! WOOOOOOOOOT KICK ROCKS AT&T!!!!!!!!! That is all. :)
AP I hope you have a good time!!

I have to share my good news with my night owls friends.......
Went to court this morning and finally got the ok to change my daughter's last name to my maiden name. It was at her request that we went for it. Yay!!!!! (and now I can actually start all my paperwork to officially change mine too - I told her I wouldn't if she couldn't)
You had to go to court to do that? I take it the dad is kind of a douche (for contesting it), considering that's what she wanted...
Thanks Shadow!
She was 7 when she told us she wanted to change it. She's 9 now.

EB we had to go to court due to the complete absence of her father. Douchy hasn't been around since 2007. No idea where he is.....with any luck rotting somewhere. (Yes, I said it, and yes, karma will probably get me back someday but it's the truth).
Ah... Sounds like Douchy is far too nice a name for him. There are very few people I have less respect for than absentee fathers. (BTW - I think karma is on your side here.)

Glad your daughter got her wish and hope soon you do as well.
Ah... Sounds like Douchy is far too nice a name for him. There are very few people I have less respect for than absentee fathers. (BTW - I think karma is on your side here.)

Glad your daughter got her wish and hope soon you do as well.

Yes, douchy is the nice end of the spectrum.....mods and all that require I be somewhat nice. I once went on a tirade and made a couple guys blush by the time I was done. :eek: And thanks - I'm now well on my way to getting at least some of my wishes to come true. The rest, well, hopefully karma is on my side and will allow for other happiness to find me.
AP I hope you have a good time!!

I have to share my good news with my night owls friends.......
Went to court this morning and finally got the ok to change my daughter's last name to my maiden name. It was at her request that we went for it. Yay!!!!! (and now I can actually start all my paperwork to officially change mine too - I told her I wouldn't if she couldn't)

Happy for ya and your girl
Happy for ya and your girl


Sounds like a real cnut BB
I was kinda hoping you knew where he lived so we could head down and teach him a lesson.

I have a few ideas where he is actually but until I have ALL paperwork changed, signed and sealed I'm not rocking any boats. And if you guys knew the whole story I think I'd be meeting 1/2 of you for a manhunt party.
And if you guys knew the whole story I think I'd be meeting 1/2 of you for a manhunt party.

Who's got the hurleys?


AP I hope you have a good time!!

I have to share my good news with my night owls friends.......
Went to court this morning and finally got the ok to change my daughter's last name to my maiden name. It was at her request that we went for it. Yay!!!!! (and now I can actually start all my paperwork to officially change mine too - I told her I wouldn't if she couldn't)

Thats awesome! Its good news for everybody I guess. I got Cable internet hooked up, and it is 8 times faster than my at&t, and it costs less for the first 6 months, but it only goes up a little more than what I am paying now after that, and its 8 times faster. And it does not cut out in bad weather, because a storm rolled through tonight after I got it and it was just fine.

Other than that I got a beer to put down and suck up some coffee. I gotta stay awake to get back on my work schedule. 6pm tomorrow night which means I get to kick it with you Night Owls for another 5 or 6 hours :)
AP I hope you have a good time!!

I have to share my good news with my night owls friends.......
Went to court this morning and finally got the ok to change my daughter's last name to my maiden name. It was at her request that we went for it. Yay!!!!! (and now I can actually start all my paperwork to officially change mine too - I told her I wouldn't if she couldn't)
Good to hear BB glad its all done with. :D
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