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Help No buttons working s4


Android Question

Hello! I have a samsung s4, I have had it for 2 years and suddenly about 3 weeks ago the power button, both volume buttons, the center button, back button and menu button all stopped responding. This is not a water damage/dirt problem etc. because i can still turn the phone on by holding the power button. If i take the battery out and in the buttons will work about 10 seconds then stop again. I have tried factory reseting the phone and I have booted into safe mode 2-3 times. After the factory reset the buttons worked for a day then stopped again. It started of with that sometimes I had to press the center button like 5 times for it to respond, but now none of them respond.

I am using an app to use my soft buttons, but it's still annoying to not be able to turn the screen on when it goes into sleep mode without restarting the phone.


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