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Root No Connection/Baseband unknown

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Android Enthusiast
I posted this over in the DroidX forum but I wanted to make sure the big brains here saw it too:
I am trying to help a friend recover his DroidX and have an issue that I've never seen before.

This is on stock non-rooted DroidX. (Will be rooted soon I hope...)
His wife was using the phone when the it froze and rebooted itself.
When it did, it went directly into bootloader mode.
A couple of battery pulls etc. and finally got the phone to boot but now it will not connect at all. The signal bar show the red circle/slash across it.
In about this phone the Baseband says Unknown as does the ERI and PRL.
He tried *228 and doing a factory reset and even did a hard reset from the recovery screen.

It's out of warranty and V says they cannot help him so now he is going to bring it to me. I have lots of experience with the OG Droid and some with my new Bionic but I have never heard of this issue.

If/when I get it going again, it will be rooted and possibly ROM'd, depending on what he wants.

Searching the forums, I found a few posts but none seemed to have any solutions.

My first attempt is going to be the .sbf recovery from the All Things Root section.

I am wondering if anyone has come across this type of error before?
It seems to me this could be an actual hardware issue.

Good luck. It sounds like the baseband radio has fried. Hopefully it is just the drivers / firmware and not the chip itself
Good luck. It sounds like the baseband radio has fried. Hopefully it is just the drivers / firmware and not the chip itself
That's what I'm afraid of. He has a rooted OG Droid and used his upgrade to get her a new X2. If the X is toast, he'll have to live with the OG till June. But that means he has nothing to lose by trying whatever to get it back working.
I posted this over in the DroidX forum but I wanted to make sure the big brains here saw it too:


Pull out the battery and make sure the SD card is properly seated. Replace the battery and give it a try.

Here's an off-the-wall idea ... if it is still failing ... since you got as far as a factory reset ... swap the sd card with another and see if it makes a difference. I was reading about corrupted SD cards. Perhaps reformatting it would do the trick.

... Thom
Pull out the battery and make sure the SD card is properly seated. Replace the battery and give it a try.

Here's an off-the-wall idea ... if it is still failing ... since you got as far as a factory reset ... swap the sd card with another and see if it makes a difference. I was reading about corrupted SD cards. Perhaps reformatting it would do the trick.

... Thom
I believe he swapped the card form the X into her new X2 and was using the 'new' card in the X, but I will double check.
I believe he swapped the card form the X into her new X2 and was using the 'new' card in the X, but I will double check.

Could it be possible that the newer SD card that is in the X has a higher rating? I know that the Bionic uses a Class 4 SD Card while the OG Droid used something lower as there was no class # on the card itself. I have not tried using the Class 4 into the OG Droid (which I no longer have). The class rating usually depicts at what speed the memory card can write at but that shouldn't affect the X from reading it as it'll just write at whatever the X is able to write at. But being that the card might be newer and possibly of a different brand the X might not be able to read the card. However that shouldn't really affect the baseband as you should be able to run the phone without an SD Card. It's possible the baseband file on the phone's memory is corrupted and would need to be reinstalled.

Something I just thought about. Since the phone froze, rebooted, and went into the bootloader. Could it be possible somehow it was installing an OTA? Several battery pulls were done while it was in the bootloader and if it was in fact installing an OTA its possible that the baseband update was interrupted and cause the corruption.
SDCard ratings are similar to DDR ratings - if your hardware is limited to a particular class, but you use a higher class SDCard, it will simply run at the rating the hardware will allow.

For a better understanding, think of it this way - the class rating is a maximum thoughput, not a fixed value - meaning it can run at any speed from 1X to _X, if _X is the card's rating.

The only possible exception (that I can think of) may be if the card is a Class 10 SDHC - but even then it should not make a difference.

The limitation here would be the size of the card - if the device can only use up to 32 GB and you put in a 64 BG, then it will give you errors.

But, you're right in another respect - SDCard should have no bearing on the baseband.
He hasn't brought the phone by yet so I have not had a chance to test anything yet.
I will keep all of these ideas in mind and I will update the thread with what I find.

Thanks for your input.
Flashed the 602 .sbf, and after reboot all seems well.
It now does have a baseband, ERI and PRL.
I applied the most recent OTA manually (.605) and rooted.
It will connect to Verizon customer Service so I think all is good.
He is coming by this weekend to pick it up and activate.

Thanks all for your help!
Hi SNeitzel!

In the future please stick to a single support thread in the correct forum -- I know it's tempting to get more eyeballs to help you -- but if you're ever really stuck you can PM one of our guides and see if the can help you bring some attention to your thread. It's not really fair to the Bionic users to have to try and support a DroidX.

That said I'm glad it seems to have worked out for you :)
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