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Help No Email Notification in Sleep Mode -- Return is Imminent

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I've got my ALL notifications turned on for my IMAP email account (which is set to check email every 5 minutes).

That means I should hear a notification tone, I should feel a notification vibration -- and I should see the notification light.

Absolutely none of those things are happening. When my phone is sleeping -- I get no light, no audible tone and no vibration.

It very well may be operator error on my part -- but this phone is going back if this isn't resolved.

Anyone else seeing this?
I've got my ALL notifications turned on for my IMAP email account (which is set to check email every 5 minutes).

That means I should hear a notification tone, I should feel a notification vibration -- and I should see the notification light.

Absolutely none of those things are happening. When my phone is sleeping -- I get no light, no audible tone and no vibration.

It very well may be operator error on my part -- but this phone is going back if this isn't resolved.

Anyone else seeing this?

I just have GMAIL setup and I get my notification sound when an email is received while in sleep mode. Do you have any apps that could be messing with the sounds.
I got a pop3 account that checks every 15 minutes. Even when its in sleep mode I have heard a notification go off and its been from my pop3 mail account.

Is your sync turned on? Are you getting gmail notifications when the phone is sleeping?
No apps downloaded yet -- and I'm only running IMAP running not POP3.
Also, I'm IMAP-ing to a non-gmail host -- so sync is not an issue.

Just spent some time on the phone with Verizon tech.
Problem is "undocumented" by them -- meaning no one else having the same problem.
Which is actually odd -- as others seem to be posting variations of the same issue.

They're swapping the unit out with a replacement tomorrow.
Hopefully the problem will be solved.
Thanks for the feedback.
No apps downloaded yet -- and I'm only running IMAP running not POP3.
Also, I'm IMAP-ing to a non-gmail host -- so sync is not an issue.

Just spent some time on the phone with Verizon tech.
Problem is "undocumented" by them -- meaning no one else having the same problem.
Which is actually odd -- as others seem to be posting variations of the same issue.

They're swapping the unit out with a replacement tomorrow.
Hopefully the problem will be solved.
Thanks for the feedback.

Hopefully your new phone fixes the problem, dont count the Incredible out yet...
test a GMAIL IMAP account first before you swap out. i really doubt it's the phone. if you swap out your good one you risk getting a bad one.

good luck.
Do you use any task killing apps? I had a similar problem with my alarm and I think it boiled down to the fact that I kept killing the clock app and it wasn't reinitializing on its own. Just my opinion, not sure that was actually the problem or not. Give it a try though and let's know if it fixed it.
Mine is doing this too.... It's kind of annoying. My Microsoft sync does, and so does gmail. I don't know when I get notifications.. no ping, no light..
spoke with both Verizon and HTC support: the LED indicator times out after about five minutes to save power; if set up properly, you should still get audio/vibration alert when message comes in, but no reminder past the time out period. I'm likely going back to Blackberry
Thanks for the feedback everyone.

Ouch. The post directly above by ajonofreo has me very concerned. A phone that does not have a persistent beep or LED indicator to let you know that a message is waiting -- is largely useless to me.
Having the same issue here. I am not getting any email notifications. Spoke with VZN and they are sending out a new phone. They tested out a phone while I was on with then and theirs worked fine. Was on the phone with them over an hour and they stated most calls they are receiving about the Incredible is concerning email problems.

They estimate a new phone here by May 11, as they are limited in the warehouses (so they say) There were no stores within 50 miles of my area with an Incredible to exchange mine with. Until the new phone arrives, I will have to refresh email on occasion.

No big deal though, I love the phone.
spoke with both Verizon and HTC support: the LED indicator times out after about five minutes to save power; if set up properly, you should still get audio/vibration alert when message comes in, but no reminder past the time out period. I'm likely going back to Blackberry

FYI, the BlackBerry blinking LED times out after 15 minutes. So maybe 15 minutes is long enough for you and 5 minutes is not -- but to say you are going back to BlackBerry, and then cite as your reason something that happens on BlackBerry too (15 minutes vs. 5), is ridiculous.
forgive me for understating the issue; not only is it my opinion that the notification light isn't persistent enough, I also believe it is not visible enough relative to the virtual beacon found on Blackberry; this seemingly minor compromise, for power conservation reasons that apparently don't impact Blackberry to the same extent, clearly will not matter to everyone
I'm having same issue (lack of email notification). Im using Yahoo. Ive adjusted settings, but only occasionaly, i get an audible notification. VZW said I shouldn't even be able to use Yahoo on an Android phone !? This is my second smartphone, I had the moto droid for 14 days (HATED IT!!!!) I really like this Incredible, best phone Ive ever had. BIG learning curve!!! Forums like this are GREAT!!
FYI, the BlackBerry blinking LED times out after 15 minutes. So maybe 15 minutes is long enough for you and 5 minutes is not -- but to say you are going back to BlackBerry, and then cite as your reason something that happens on BlackBerry too (15 minutes vs. 5), is ridiculous.

Wrong. The Curve's light does not extinguish itself until the notification is viewed by the user.
Wrong. The Curve's light does not extinguish itself until the notification is viewed by the user.

Pretty sure that's wrong. Mine definitely turns off after 15 minutes. Although maybe there is a setting where you can tell it to never turn off... don't care enough to turn my old BlackBerry on to look.
My Incredible has the same problem. So I cannot ask Google Calendar to email me as a reminder since "there is no beep for coming emails." I guess Mr/Mrs Marcelob's opinion may be correct: I use an app killer and I actually kill Clock manually. So maybe this is the source for the problem. I will check later whether this is true.
My Incredible has the same problem. So I cannot ask Google Calendar to email me as a reminder since "there is no beep for coming emails." I guess Mr/Mrs Marcelob's opinion may be correct: I use an app killer and I actually kill Clock manually. So maybe this is the source for the problem. I will check later whether this is true.

I proved! Yes, it is the the action of killing Clock which ceases Gmail notifications. After waiting for 30 minutes to ensure that my Incredible is snoring, I send an email to my Gmail account entitled "are you awake," and 30 seconds later, my Incredible beeps--what a beautiful noise!

Now I can trust my Incredible as a reminder. Thank Mr/Mrs Marcelob for your valuable opinion :)
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