Android Expert
For everyone I hear talk about an iPhone 5, there are just as much speculation that it's not going to happen until next year. If it does happen, there's also speculation that it will be a staggered release between carriers. No one has facts on this. It's purely speculation.
Either way, it's an 8 month old phone. I don't care if they just got around to putting a CDMA radio in it, if I even wanted one, I'm not paying $299 and being locked up for another 20 months. The price point should be $99 and $199. I think that's even a stretch.
If they don't release an iphone 5 until next year, well that's pathetic because the FFC and high res display are no longer head of the pack. But let's be honest with ourselves. The iPhone 5 will be out in July with paltry upgrades like a faster processor, an extra 0.2" on the screen (but same res), and NFC integrated. And iPhone 4 owners will be crawling over each other to get it.
After 6 months with an ipod touch, I wanted an iphone. That was June 2009 and Android was mostly an afterthought with the G1 on T-Mobile. The landscape has changed. Drastically. The iphone is no longer king of the hill and just doesn't offer enough value for the consumer compared to other phones out there. Apple and I will forever be separated by the great divide between reality and their bloated pricing scheme.