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Help No Vibrate function after upgrade from 1.6 to 2.1

First time poster - Hi!

I got my X10 mini pro the other day and downloaded android 2.1 on to the phone through PC companion. Since the upgrade, vibration does not work on the phone, not for calls, messages, hotkeys, even when I turn the phone on. It definitely worked before the upgrade so obviously the issue is down to that. I've also tried the 'secret' menus vibrate test and got nothing. Retried the updates, vibration turned on on the settings, uncheck/recheck, still no dice. Any thoughts on what I could do to fix this? If I rooted and added a newer android rom could that help? Everything else on the phone is fine, so I'm stumped.

Any help would be great!
First time poster - Hi!

I got my X10 mini pro the other day and downloaded android 2.1 on to the phone through PC companion. Since the upgrade, vibration does not work on the phone, not for calls, messages, hotkeys, even when I turn the phone on. It definitely worked before the upgrade so obviously the issue is down to that. I've also tried the 'secret' menus vibrate test and got nothing. Retried the updates, vibration turned on on the settings, uncheck/recheck, still no dice. Any thoughts on what I could do to fix this? If I rooted and added a newer android rom could that help? Everything else on the phone is fine, so I'm stumped.

Any help would be great!
I have the same problem with you... I'll try to send it to Sony Ericsson but i hate waitting to turn it back... If you find any solution please post it...
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