So I picked up a couple of used 32GB Touchpads Both were stuck at the setup screen waiting for WiFi to find a network. They would just continually scan.
So I bypassed the setup, neither WiFi or Bluetooth will turn on. I tried a few fixes I found on the internet with no luck. Enable then Disable Airplane mode, Leave it running trying to turn on BT and WiFi overnight on a charger. I rolled it back to 3.0.0 then back up to 3.0.5 one by one with the same results.
I decided to go ahead and try CWM and see what happens. WiFi and Bluetooth work perfectly in CM9 and CM10??!!?? Not a single issue. So I went back to WebOS and since I don't have WiFi I used WOSQI to install Uberkernel and Govnah, thinking maybe a new kernel would fix it. The same results as before.
For the life of me I am stuck. Sure Android works perfect but I would still like to figure out where the problem is. With hours of trolling posts the closest I can find was one douchy post where the l33t dude said he could fix it but us mere mortals just couldn't handle the info. OK so the post wasn't douchy, the poster was.
Anybody have any ideas?
So I bypassed the setup, neither WiFi or Bluetooth will turn on. I tried a few fixes I found on the internet with no luck. Enable then Disable Airplane mode, Leave it running trying to turn on BT and WiFi overnight on a charger. I rolled it back to 3.0.0 then back up to 3.0.5 one by one with the same results.
I decided to go ahead and try CWM and see what happens. WiFi and Bluetooth work perfectly in CM9 and CM10??!!?? Not a single issue. So I went back to WebOS and since I don't have WiFi I used WOSQI to install Uberkernel and Govnah, thinking maybe a new kernel would fix it. The same results as before.
For the life of me I am stuck. Sure Android works perfect but I would still like to figure out where the problem is. With hours of trolling posts the closest I can find was one douchy post where the l33t dude said he could fix it but us mere mortals just couldn't handle the info. OK so the post wasn't douchy, the poster was.
Anybody have any ideas?