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Nokia's "burning platform"

I was wondering the same thing. I am still trying to figure out how Android is "competition". Unless there is some law that I am unaware of, I thought anyone who wanted to manufacture Android phones could do so. HTC, Samsung and others make phones for multiple platforms. If the comments in the news forums under the Nokia articles are any indication, there are literally millions of people who would love to see Nokia get into the Android game (myself included). It could go a long way in bringing them back from the brink IMO. Interesting to find out they started out as a papermill. Coleco was a leather company and...oh wait, they don't exist anymore do they? Bad example. lol

I think they see Android marketshare rising rapidly and what it's done to RIM, Apple and friends.

Also keep in mind that Nokia has a lot invested in QT and Symbian.
Android is a serious competitor to Symbian right now and they are seriously behind the curve.
That article has some good points. I tried to google "stephen elop fake memo" to see if there was any official word from Nokia, but right now it just looks like speculation. Oh well, either way, it doesn't look like Nokia is planning to release any Android phones in the near future, or ever. Hopefully, that'll change. If not, I take the view that competition is a good thing - it drives innovation, and when it doesn't, companies or ecosystems start to pay the price by rapidly losing market share.

Nokia made a rather non-response to the article about the memo. It's basically no comment about internal stuff. They did include a link to some transcript to some speech that seemed official. That transcript seemed to paint a good picture of the state of Nokia.

In any case, the memo ended up generating a lot of publicity for Nokia ahead of their big announcement tomorrow. I'm eagerly waiting to hear what they have to say about their future direction. Although, I am no longer a Nokia user, I am interested in what their plans are and how they intend to compete in the smartphone market. I was really disappointed in Symbian and from what I saw of Symbian^3, I wasn't very impressed. I'm hoping to get some information about MeeGo which is currently vapourware to me.
...they've opted to go with Windows mobile.

Shame, as I've always loved Nokia phones and would defo have bought a Nokia Android phone.

Nokia has joined forces with Microsoft in an attempt to regain ground lost to the iPhone and Android-based devices.
The deal will see Nokia use the Windows phone operating system for its smartphones, the company said.
It means that Nokia's existing operating systems will be sidelined.
Speaking at the launch of the partnership, Nokia's chief executive Stephen Elop revealed that there would be "substantial" job losses as a result of the tie-up.
Nokia will remain "first and foremost...a Finnish company. Finland is our home and will remain our home," he said.
But job losses around the world, including in Finland, will be inevitable, he added.

Speaking about the new partnership with Microsoft, Mr Elop said that "the game has changed from a battle of devices to a war of ecosystems".
"An ecosystem with Microsoft and Nokia has unrivalled scale around the globe," he said.
Microsoft's chief executive Steve Ballmer was also present at the launch, underlining the importance of the deal to the computing giant.
"Nokia and Microsoft working together can drive innovation that is at the boundary of hardware, software and services," he said.
Microsoft's Bing will power Nokia's search services, while Nokia Maps would be a core part of Microsoft's mapping services.
The new strategy means Nokia's existing smartphone operating systems will be gradually sidelined.
Symbian, which runs on most of the company's current devices will become a "franchise platform", although the company expects to sell approximately 150 million more Symbian devices in future.
"It is a transition from Symbian to Windows phone as our primary smartphone platform," said Mr Elop.
Windows may not be the exclusive operating system for Nokia tablets though.
"We reserve the right to introduce tablets using other platforms, including ones we may be working on internally," he said.
There was no specific announcement about when the first Windows-powered Nokia phone will be available.
Mr Elop revealed that the firm did consider a tie-up with Google's Android operating system.
"We spent time with our colleagues at Google and explored the Google ecosystem but we felt we would have difficulty differentiating within that ecosystem," he said.
It was also revealed that talks with Microsoft only began in November, illustrating how quickly the deal has been pushed through.

The move away from Symbian is a brave decision for Nokia, according to experts.
"This is a clear admission that Nokia's own-platform strategy has faltered," said Ben Wood, an analyst with research firm CCS: Insight.
"Microsoft is the big winner in this deal, but there are no silver bullets for either company given the strength of iPhone and Google's Android," he added.
Nokia's share of the smartphone market fell from 38% to 28% in 2010, according to monitoring firm IDC.
Nokia's upcoming Meego operating system will also be sidelined.
According to the company statement: "MeeGo will place increased emphasis on longer-term market exploration of next-generation devices."
The new platform was expected to form the core of Nokia's future smartphone and tablet strategy.
The company says it still plans to ship one Meego device by the end of 2011.
For Magnus Rehle, the Nordic managing director of research firm Greenwich Consulting, Nokia may have difficulty juggling its three operating systems: Windows, Symbian and MeeGo.
"Three platforms is a lot to work with. I'm not sure there is room for so many platforms," he said.
And, as with any tie-up, there could be clashes between the two firms, he said.
Earlier this week Nokia chief executive Stephen Elop sent a memo to staff warning that the company was in crisis.
The memo, published first by technology website Engadget, said that the mobile giant was standing on a "burning platform".
"Elop has to convince the best people to stay and some people will inevitably be jumping off the burning platform," said Mr Rehle.
Yea I just read bout this on Cnet as well...

I have to laugh at this line though..

"Mr Elop revealed that the firm did consider a tie-up with Google's Android operating system.
"We spent time with our colleagues at Google and explored the Google ecosystem but we felt we would have difficulty differentiating within that ecosystem," he said."

as on Cnet its actually reported that Nokia spoke discussed with Google at length but were ultimately worried Google would benefit more out of it than them....so basically it boils down to money as well with most companys really...thats why I left a message over on Cnet myself..

Me on Cne said:
I do believe nokia have shot themselves in the foot...why sign with JUST microsoft? I mean the whole reason they are keeping the failing ship symbian about is to make money out of those who dont want or cant get a top end decent OS smart phone....

so its just money to them at the end of the day....wouldnt it be best to capitalise and become JUST a hardware manufacturer and go with BOTH android and microsoft and make much more in the long run?

and how can what nokia and microsoft be doing be called 'unique'? I somehow dont expect to see anything more than just a sub par OS (right now that is...come on microsoft pull your finger out...stop doing an apple) on top of decent hardware....

Read more: Nokia boss explains why it chose Windows Phone 7 over Android | Crave | CNET UK
I agree...Nokia would have been better off concentrating on hardware (as they have made some damn good phones over the years) and released them with Windows and Android like HTC have done.
why do I have this horrible image though of what Nokia could DO to a windows phone...*shudders*

I mean just think of the UI interfaces companys like Samsung and LG have done in the past....now I know windows phones dont HAVE an overlay over the top...BUT Nokia and Microsoft have said that this pairing will produce a 'unique' product....could we see a windows phone without all the black and tiled look but with a symbian like UI over the top....oh god that would be terrible!!! LOL :D


well cnet just added something new up about it...showing that symbian is well and truly dead as ALL Nokia smartphones will now have winpho7 on....well finally that lame horse will be taken out to pasture and shot...

Cnet said:
Like Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder side-by-side at a piano keyboard, Nokia and Microsoft are joining together in perfect harmony. We met the two companies to discuss the collaboration, and what the news means for Windows Phone 7 and Nokia's current operating system, Symbian.

Crave sat down with Kai
Dear Nokia,

A bit of free parting advice: You can't save a sinking ship by adding another sinking ship to it.

From TFA:
> Nokia will remain "first and foremost...a Finnish company.
> Finland is our home and will remain our home," he said.

Oh the irony. Where did Linux creator Linus Torvalds come from again?

Google's Vic Gundotra on Nokia: 'Two turkeys do not make an Eagle'

Since Nokia is signing up for assisted suicide, what will become of Qt and several other Nokia sponsored open source projects? Microsoft will no doubt exert pressure to kill off sponsorship of open source projects at Nokia.

Not to worry about Qt and KDE. Qt is licensed both under GPL and LGPL. Thanks to the genius of Stallman the code is safe from the Dark Lords.

Qt Licensing — Qt - A cross-platform application and UI framework

Dinosaurs mating in the tarpit, oh my. What a spectacle.
My predicted losers: Noikia, Microsoft
My predicted winners: Android, iPhone, furniture companies in the Northwest US

May God please let Ballmer remain CEO of Microsoft for as long as it takes!

"Nokia Oyj slumped 11 percent after announcing that it will form a software partnership with Microsoft Corp."

European Stocks Fluctuate; Nokia, L’Oreal Fall, Michelin Gains - Businessweek
It actually might just save your life... see also 'Being pushed inside a dead animal.', ref: Star Wars. Empire Strikes Back.

In the short term, yes. In the long term no.

The remark had something to do with cold winters in Finland.

Once that pee loses its warmth, you now have wet pants and are still out in the cold.

It was meant to indicate that using Android might be beneficial in the short term, but bad in the long term.

I happen to disagree and am developing for Android because I believe there is economic value there.

Nokia is free to do what it thinks best, but I think it will be a disaster, am willing to be on record, and have provided at least some cites.
BBC News - Nokia and Microsoft form partnership

End of the road for Symbian. Windows Phone it is.

I really have to see what will come of this. Windows phone 7 I'm sure has it's pluses but users are still waiting for a *copy and paste* update. In 2011?
Nokia you ahem, piss on Android but we found out from you yourself that you had talks with google but felt you would not be able to differentiate yourself from the rest of the android world. Now you make an announcement that you have partnered with Microsoft. How many pounds of your flesh did you have to sever from your find Finnish pride? Your countrymen and your engineers I'm sure are estatic...oh wait your stocks...
i think it .. best for those 2 companies..
they need each other. both in bad situation..

Nokia: to many android devices and already trended in. they are late to game.

Micorsoft: late to game too... and need a big partner that can go global with a great distribution system. All the other makers have both android and wp7. they sure want a dedicated maker.

they need each other! match made in heaven....
but... if wp7 cannot help them get back.. i can see them also offering an android in the future.
I see this as a trial period and if nothing comes from it, Nokia well open up their options to android.
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