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If you want to try something really different I have an old GB ROM in nandroid format linked from this post. ;)

It doesn't have the VM customization so it won't work for you as a daily driver, but it's fun to play with and really fast.

And as a bonus you can use it to flash and test different PRL's. :D


thats really cool, im checking that out right now
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thanks guys, so far my favorite rom has been midnight rom Jelly bean. i think im gonna stick to that, only problem is instead of green for notifications its has to be red which isnt too bad. thanks!
Are you using Slim Bean or AOKP? I know on AOKP if you go edit the nexus notification settings under the AOPK settings and change the color to red it will work. Of course Red, Like some Dark red or orange or something, and Green are the only colors that work.

There are also apps in the store that change notifications settings.
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