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Note 1 vs. Note 2


Well-Known Member
I have a question for all of you (I posted this on the Note 2 but I might hear a different point of view here).

When I finally saw the Note a few months ago, I had a smile from ear to ear, after craving it for at least nine months. I never got one because ATT phone service is awful where I live and there wasn't any LTE service. Now I am moving to So Florida and the situation seems to be lots better there so ATT is in play.

After seeing the Note, I saw the S3 and I didn't like the screen at all. It wasn't as easy to read as the Note and well that's it. Now comes the Note 2 which seems to be more like the S3 than the Note 1, as far as the screens. I've heard the resolution is better on the Note 1. It seems that the Note 1 with LTE or Wifi is plenty fast and if I am doing lots of internet stuff readability is more important to me than benchmark speed. So, what else am I giving up by going to the Note 1 that won't be there after it gets Jelly Bean? Camera? Video?
I don't plan on upgrading to the Note 2.

But in all honesty, I believe the Note 2 will perform better than the original Note. Due to it having a better CPU and 2GB RAM. It also has a bigger battery capacity and better S-pen functionality.

This is great news for heavy users who don't want to swap batteries and/or want better performance. The drawback is really the screen. I heard it's not a pentile screen and will have lower pixel density and resolution despite it being larger.

I love my Note and just might get an OEM of the Note 2's S-pen. I heard it uses a different tip from the original. So it'll be interesting to know if it'll work just as well on the original. I also love the 16:10 screen and higher resolution. It's definitely easier on my eyes and I don't experience much eye strain.
Faster CPU wont make that much difference once the original Note gets the magical Jelly Bean. Think of how many older devices with much slower processors ran GB as good as the original Note. Most apps will never run more then two cores so most of the time you will only be using half the CPU power regardless. The same applies to desktops it's not like adding a Quad over a Dual core CPU will enable you to read email that much faster. Might be worth it if you play Mobile FPS games or frequently use your mobile as a remote desktop. But for the average person who buys the Note to use as a phone dual core is more then enough. More Ram is also good but most people will never even use 1GB so it's a non-issue.

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