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Help Note 4 SD card issue


Note 4 SD card read issue

Hello all,
I have a Note 4 (SM-N910T on stock rooted 5.0.1) that suddenly started having issues with a specific microSD card. The card works perfectly in my computer and my S4, and my Note 4 can read other cards without issue. So it seems to be an issue with this specific card in this specific phone.

The phone can mount/unmount the card fine through settings, and correctly reads the storage space used and available. When I use the Samsung file browser (My Files), it just says "No Files." I also use FX File Manager, and with that I get "Access denied" when trying to open the card. FX is unable to display anything regarding storage space, it just says "Error."

I'll format if I have to, but I'm hoping somebody has another solution!


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