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Help Notification LED Stop Blinking

When the Droid was updated to 2.1, the notification would no longer blink when the screen was turned on. Could this be what is happening for you?

No ...I wake up in the morning and no flashing on the led...i unlock the phone to notice i have some notification email sms etc but the light was not blinking. It will blink when it first comes in but then after some time it will stop.
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Nope, mine hasn't worked since I got it yesterday morning...

Where is the set time? I can email myself right now with my phone sitting next to me and no LED lights up so that statement is false.

This is f-ing ridiculous. I've missed every email/phone call since getting my DI because the stupid LED doesn't blink worth shiet.

I went into Programs/Settings/Sound & Display/Notification Flash. Everything has been checked since I got the phone. Suck balls..
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Nope, mine hasn't worked since I got it yesterday morning...

Where is the set time? I can email myself right now with my phone sitting next to me and no LED lights up so that statement is false.

This is f-ing ridiculous. I've missed every email/phone call since getting my DI because the stupid LED doesn't blink worth shiet.

I went into Programs/Settings/Sound & Display/Notification Flash. Everything has been checked since I got the phone. Suck balls..

Factory reset of the phone.... if all else fails, this DOES work. Been there.... no fun, but it works.
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Ok, check out the app called "Missed Call"

I believe this was the one...Only thing that won't work unfortunately is selecting the different colors for the notification LED, as the Incredible isn't capable of changing LED colors :/

Hope this works for you guys
Just curious, I was looking for it on Appbrain, and theres two versions, one for 2.x that's in beta. Anyone know if the previous version thats for 1.6 will work? I rather not use the beta and walk into bugs, and prefer to wait until he gets the kinks out
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Just curious, I was looking for it on Appbrain, and theres two versions, one for 2.x that's in beta. Anyone know if the previous version thats for 1.6 will work? I rather not use the beta and walk into bugs, and prefer to wait until he gets the kinks out

I'm sorry, but I'm not 100% sure, as I don't use this app...My best advice would be to email the developer and get his insight. Hope this helps bro :p
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