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Notification sound question


Hey all I'm new to android I've had an iPhone since the iPhone 4 and I'm trying to get used to this v10. I do love a lot of the things about it but there are some things I dont like.

My biggest thing is is there a way to make a different notification sound for text, a different one for facebook, and so on and so forth. If anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated.

Should be easy. Each app (text, etc.) should have a "settings" menu, often accessed through the three vertical dots in the upper right corner (although "settings" may be found elsewhere). Go to the "notifications" submenu and usually there is an option to set your notification sound. You should be able to pick your sound from a drop down list. I can't speak for all apps, but this should work. I have one sound for calls, one for texts, one for emails, etc.
I went into settings>sounds and notifications and then clicked apps in that menu and went down to facebook and clicked that and all it gave me was the option to turn on or off "block notifications, priority, allow peeking, and hide sensitive content" and I went to the main email app in the list of all the apps and it gave me the same options with a couple extra but nothing to change sound. And when I clicked on the apps there wasn't the 3 dots in the right hand corner.

Id like to get this figured out cause it bugs me cause I hear the sound and I have to look to see what it is where if say facebook had a different sound I could hear it and know I don't have to look right now it can wait kind of deal.

If you have any more ideas I am all ears and I will keep searching myself

I also can't find this smart settings that I have read about in my settings if someone might know what's up with that I would really appreciate that too
The individual app settings you want are not from the general settings you described. You want to open the actual app and then access settings from within the app.
Ihatemy treo
Thanks I think I got it now I'm waiting for a notification to come in but I'm 99% sure I got it thank you so much that is going to help so much
Sorry I don't know how to quote other posts or names on here if someone could explain that too that would be great but thanks again
Sorry I don't know how to quote other posts or names on here if someone could explain that too that would be great but thanks again
If you are using the desktop androidforums app in your browser, go to the post you wish to quote and look in the bottom right corner. You will see a button for "like," "quote" and "reply." Click "reply" and you will embed the post to which you want to reply. To embed multiple posts, click "quote" and then when done, "reply" and you will have embedded multiple quotes.
I also can't find this smart settings that I have read about in my settings if someone might know what's up with that I would really appreciate that too

For Smart settings go to.......

The Phone settings
Under Device
You'll see Smart settings.
Picture to go with it


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I also can't find this smart settings that I have read about in my settings if someone might know what's up with that I would really appreciate that too

The other way you may see it on your phone go to.....

Phone settings
General tab along the top
Scroll down to smart functions
And you'll see Smart settings


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And I think I got all the sounds worked out except for Fox News app and the CNN app
Edit: I got an alert from fox news and CNN app and they both had the same tone as my text (i think it's the only 2 I have left to figure out how to change) but if anyone can please help me to change them it would be greatly appreciated
In sounds and notifications you'll see the option to change app notifications.

There you can change individual apps.


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