I dont know what setting to change though
Well, when you make the proper change, then the notification will disappear.
Until then, you go back and forth, resetting what you changed until that happens.
Alternatively, your device may allow you to modify the notification importance of each app.
Typically, this is on a scale of 1-5, with 3 being the default (auto, or 'A').
Devices differ, but on my devices the path to this level of control comes from the System UI Tuner (SUIT, as I will refer to it).
This SUIT is different for all devices.
To make it available to you, start at your homescreen.
Pull down your Quick Settings tile menu, and locate the settings pinwheel.
Long press it, for about 10-15 seconds, until it animates (spins).
Let off of it, and allow it with the question(s) you are asked.
Once activated, you can now find it as System UI Tuner in your settings.
It may be buried inside another setting, like System, or near the end of the list near Developer Options.
At any rate, some devices have some cool features in there, one of which can be notification priority control (can be called many things).
In fact, on the 8.1.0 that I am using right now, that control is active no matter what.
I had to activate the SUIT to
get it on my 7.1.1
When you slide the notification over to the side, and the menu options appear, is there a sightly dim letter 'A' on the left?
If so, tap it.
You may be lucky, and the setting may be right there.
If so, lower the notification priority until the notification in your status bar vanishes.