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Notion Ink -- CES 2011?


Well-Known Member
Can anyone just tell me where the Notion Ink Adam was at CES 2011? I was there and tried to find it. I checked the blogs on Sunday and saw reports of hands-on use supposedly at the "PixelQi" booth. I looked -- the only such booth listed was a meeting cubicle tucked in the remote reaches of the South Hall -- and it was empty when I went. "Notion Ink" was not listed on any exhibitor list. I went to the Nvidia booth -- they were displaying only Dell and Acer tablets and said they had tried to find the Adam at the show and could not. Obviously, the show is over now, but I'm still curious -- WHERE WAS IT?? I really wanted to see the screen with the dual modes.

Anyone? .... Anyone???
the adam did not have a booth. see the video thread for hands on videos, there are some other videos, engadget is one
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