Android Expert
I should be more clear. My apologies. I dont flash devices. Only do OTAs....
Should this be delivered OTA, are you cats who choose to do it OTA going to do an FDR AFTER the OTA. Is this recommended procedure?
I did the OTA and then a FDR Monday night. It ran nice no hiccups. Only reason I did the OTA was time. (I am terribly impatient) But I ended up having some time Tuesday night and flashed it.
If you go the OTA route I have both FDR and not and have never had any issues - that said since good old @lunatic59 explained the process I prefer to flash if time is available. I always think it's better to start fresh when possible with any major update (changing version i.e. MM to N ) I always do a hard re-start (forced re-start) after any apps update and after security patches, just to let the system get it's ducks in a row, but that's just me. I have had exceptional luck with this process however.