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now march 10th!!??

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i would imagine that this is old. This was the original "expected" release date. If this were newer, then why would the iPhone still be on there?
Anyone else think it's kinda strange that they left the leading zero on the Thunderbolt, but not the Iphone? I would have thought that they'd at least keep the formatting the same in documents like that.
Anyone else think it's kinda strange that they left the leading zero on the Thunderbolt, but not the Iphone? I would have thought that they'd at least keep the formatting the same in documents like that.

it's because they kept going back and re-formatting the document each time the release date changed. none of the other phone release dates changed.

they're just going to jump it up to march 10th and it'll just be a bonus if it comes out before that.
March 10th makes sense. March 10th is exactly one month after the release of the iPhone. VZW is allowing the iPhone to have initial sales for one month without competition from the TB. This totally makes sense. Think about it.
But why would they be making attempts to get the phone out earlier if the 10th was the date all along? BGR seems to think the 4th could mean something since the Tweet was pulled suddenly. I'm sure the 10th was the original date prior to the 14th attempt but i'm still holding out hope it could release next week. They are loosing ground to all of the other carriers releasing 4g phones while they jerk around with release dates.
I think based on the commercials with the counting, the early ones, there was a "February" in those, that verizon was trying to release it in Feb and something must be wrong.

I just don't like the fact that they won't announce a firm date. Makes me thing there may still be more delays coming.

Oh and what about that tweet from verizon....

Many have waited for the Verizon #iPhone. Some looking for the #4G #LTE HTC #Thunderbolt. May be sooner than we expected!
9:31 AM Feb 2nd via web

Wonder what that was all about.
I think once it is said and done we will find out Apple was behind a lot of these delays. Also the release of the Xoom.
I just hope that if there are issues that they are software issues and not hardware. I would hate to be an early adopter and get crappy hardware. I cant see them fixing hundreds of thousands of handsets...
That paper is so old it's not even funny. The thunderbolt wouldn't be on the top firstly, second off the added 0? Third, there are phones from november on the list of whats new, they wouldn't be
I've said it before and I'll say it again... March 31st. It's a Thursday, and Verizon can release it that day and then break their arm patting themselves on the back that it came out in "Q1" This is the way they do business, and unless/until I see an announcement from VZW, this is what I think will happen.
Hope your wrong

You and me both, but nobody knows the nightmare I've been through since I signed up with VZW in June. Let's just say I'm glad I'm not still waiting for the Froyo release for the Fascinate... that's been "Coming soon" since September. And there was that "Summer" promise for the Droid X 2.2 update that released on September 22... the last CALENDAR day of Summer. VZW is all about waiting until the last possible minute they can put something out and still say "See... we did it" Like I said... 3/31 is a Thursday, don't think they didn't check they calendar ahead of time.
I'll tell you one thing, it's not being released today... and that's the most accurate/reliable statement anyone can say in regards to release dates.
I'll tell you one thing, it's not being released today... and that's the most accurate/reliable statement anyone can say in regards to release dates.

It's a shame, but this is the most factual information I've even seen regarding a Thunderbolt release date.
Perhaps Zoolander plans the phone launches for VZW?

"But what about the children? How will they fit in the tiny little houses?"
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