Which is mob rule.
The two party system was created to prevent the above system from occurring.
Lets sum it up.
1.) One party controls the city, democrats according the article. To hide the fact that only democrats are being elected they are removing the title "democrat." Why? Because it is very easy to hide among the sheep, if you are dressed as a sheep. Republicans can not win with the republican title added to the poll. So by removing party, they insert other factors into the election.
2.) Mob rule, at one point in time it was over whelming popular to own other people. So stop with the whelming popular, it is not a good argument.
3.) Removing the party affiliation will also allow for a manchurian candidate to be created. The perfect candidate that will say anything to get elected. See obama, if you are in doubt what a manchurian candidate is.
4.) With out party, money will be the only way to get elected. Since the voting will be based on what the public knows about the candidate, the person with most money will be known by the public best. The candidate with most money, wins, not a good idea for democracy. See presidential elections.
5.) Lastly, it will create a system in which it is possible to have many candidates running for 1 position. With 10 people running for 1 position, you could get a person elected to office with as little as 10% of the total vote. With a two party system, you have to get at least 50% of the vote.
With out the two party system, you create a system in which you spend million to flood the ballot with 10 candidates, making so you just need to spend enough money, to get elected. If you need more, see iran ballot system.