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Is not a thing.
I could never beat Trump.
I'd probably do better though.
at this point, anything is better then trump. if you were the only ticket going against trump.....i'd vote for you.

but how is this about the right wing conspiracy? it is merely a tactic trump likes to use to distract from reality. he is just trying to draw our attention away from the fact that he is failing as a president. he is showing America that he only cares about the next election, and cares nothing about the pandemic we are all in.
It's fake noows, a conspiracy to destroy the economy in order to steal the election.
Joe Biden asked China to release a bioweapon to stop me being re-elected.
Take chloroquine, that will cure it.
Take Lysol, that will cure it.
We'll have a vaccine by the fall.
It will just disappear like magic even without a vaccine.
This is all State business, not federal.
I'm telling you to oppose what the States are doing.
My decisive action has saved millions. Forget about the hundred thousand dead(*), I'm the hero here.
We can't hold an election this year. It's not fair, I've been treated worse than anyone in history ever...

(*) A sadly optimistic total, given where the numbers stand today
So did anyone ever figure out what my ex-President meant by Obamagate?
I know this is an old thread but I think it's important.
Obamagate was just another distraction. there was no crime. there was no Obamgate. it was another lie crafted by a liar and millions of idiots bought into it. what was it? who knows. he said when asked that "some terrible things happened, and it should never be allowed to happen in our country".....and that was all he would say about it.

its stupid and i think we should all move on. especially now that he is gone from office, a position he never deserved to be in in the first place.
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