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Help Odd, random classical piano music?


Hello all - this is pretty strange but it stumped me so I thought I'd share my recent experience with my formerly haunted Atrix. Last week I'm sitting at my desk and I hear this really quiet classical piano music. Of course, turns out it was coming from my Atrix (rooted, FWIW). It was so quiet (even if I cranked the volume) that you could not even really hear it over the noises of everyday life unless you put the phone right up to your ear.

It looped the same two or three sonatas (or whatever they were) at seemingly random times throughout the day/night and it would not always start in the same place in the loop. There was no distinguishing event that would trigger the haunting music to start playing and there were there was nothing I could press or do to stop it. There were no processes/apps running (that I could see) that looked suspicious. It would kill whatever other system sounds were supposed to be happening while it was playing - no text, work email, Gmail, calendar alerts, etc. It would even silence the music player as I was letting my playlist cycle to allow my phantom pianist to tickle the ivories.

I installed and ran a Lookout scan but it came back clean. I used the google machine and also searched the forum but found only one instance of such an issue in the LG Optimus forum and the solution presented did not apply (my event notifications were untouched). I wiped it with a factory reset, reinstalled everything, and the ghost has apparently left the machine.

Honestly, I kind of miss it...
It really sounds to me like a browser session was active in the background on a page that had that media playing in a loop.
Since many of the embedded media players have their own volume, this could count for the faint sound, even after you turned the system volume up.

I've had this happen on my PC when a page I had in a tab in Firefox would reload without me noticing. Suddenly, whatever media or add it was would start playing until I tracked down the rogue tab and closed that page.

That's the closest thing I can think of.
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