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Official 4G/WiMAX Coverage Areas

That would coincide nicely with the launch of the EVO! If it is that close, I wonder what is holding them up from announcing it?
Announcements could start today, who knows. But it would only make sense for them to start pushing it ahead of time. They need to get this phone noticed by the public or else it will fail, miserably with so much potential!

EDIT: 45 days will hit right in the second week of May. This means that it will be a late May or early June release, if that source is accurate.
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Actually, the fight was over the placement of the tower, but they all of a sudden were able to double the height.

Anyway, I am just glad to see new towers going up with Clearwire's name attached to it. I believe Tampa will have WiMax before years end, but I am waiting for more information to back it up.

Actually they are most likely testing already in the Tampa market. The same job postings on Clear's career website are shown for Tampa, Orlando, Miami and Jacksonville for deployment of WiMax. Check it out by going to their site and searching for those cities! I already have confirmation from a friend in orlando that their Sprint store has been receiving 30 second intervals of a 4g signal on their 4g Overdrive in store.
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This must really get frustrating, but where do you see that on the site? When I pull up the coverage map I notice that it has a notation that future sites should be in grey but i don't see any locations in grey.
You have to dig a little on their site, because they don't seem to be keeping that coverage map up to date. I had to hunt, but then I eventually found where their offices are and where their future offices will be located. Did you try entering your address in the search box?
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I'm so excited. Houston and it's surrounding areas already has 4G coverage. Including where I live and where I work!

Sprint - Nationwide Coverage
You know whats funny about that Sprint Coverage map, I checked all the locations I travel too and on the Hawaii locations there are 3 blue covered areas (the 4G) in the middle of the waters between the islands. Now how the hell did Sprint pull that off for the boaters? Did they put wimax towers on the buoys? lol

TS out
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You know whats funny about that Sprint Coverage map, I checked all the locations I travel too and on the Hawaii locations there are 3 blue covered areas (the 4G) in the middle of the waters between the islands. Now how the hell did Sprint pull that off for the boaters? Did they put wimax towers on the buoys? lol

TS out

They have really weird set up in Hawaii. When I lived out there, the only place I couldn't get 3g was the side of Maui I lived on (Lahaina Side). However, whenever I started going towards Kahului, or even the other side towards Hana, 3g all the way.
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Just spoke to a rep. You are one crafty dude. He said they are here in a limited way and spreading!!!:D
zaaye, I finally found the map I was telling you about: Clearwire Wireless | Store | Service Areas and Nashville is shown as now serving.

Edit: Oops, I just went back and looked at it again and they're not mentioning 4G - Yet! But Nashville is an area where Clearwire is operating, so that gives me hope.
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Bill I'm not sure what that maps shows exactly, but I don't think its coverage for Sprint enabled devices.
I haven't exactly figured it out either SprintFun, but I believe it's locations where Clearwire was/is operating. They're the company that has been installing WiMAX and now Sprint owns 51% of the company which operates under the name "Clear". I think all their services will be converging, but my guess is that map existed before the Clearwire/Sprint merger. BTW, One of our forum members, neodorian has Clear for his home Internet service under 4G and he talks about that in this post: http://androidforums.com/454236-post98.html
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Well according to that map, Dayton OH has 4g coverage (through clear, not Sprint). Yet Sprint has only just announced Cleveland and Cincinnati will be the Ohio cities to get their 4G coverage - no mention of Dayton. So I guess my point is that even if Clear may be up and running there I don't think that definitively means Sprint will absorb it into it's 4G coverage - at least not in the immediate future.
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I already checked out the 4G speeds in our area with a sales associate showing me, it wasn't as fast as cable, it might be just because we were testing the bandwidth at peak usage times, but it should be more than enough for mobile purposes, including data tethering.

EDIT: Ooops, sorry wrong thread. I apologize for going off topic.
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