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Other peoples opinions on USA vs The rest of the world?


Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

I'm interested in how other people around the globe feel about companies mostly putting new technology out to the USA first?

What I mean is let's say the new Asus Prime for example is being released first in the USA, the UK is as far as I can tell is maybe 2 months later and Australia a few months after that.

I feel these companies should release thier goods globally at the same sort of time.

Why isnt this possible?

This trend isn't just limited to my example the Asus Prime, we had the same with the Motorola Xoom only being GED in the US.

I even had it with my flag ship TV that I bought from Samsung, the USA received free 3d glasses plus a 500 dollar 3d starter kit. I bought the same TV for a lot more money than our US friends yet even after I wrote Samsung a letter asking why, I was told "its a USA promotion only"

The list goes on.

I'm just interested in what other folk think about companies favouring the US all the time.

Do you think new releases and promotions should be global or are you happy always waiting behind the US?

Interested also in what the people from America think?

I'm in the UK by the way.

Please don't take this as flaming the US, I am just interested in what other people feel like when it comes to new tech etc mostly being released to the US first.

Sorry if this is in the wrong section.


I've always thought the opposite. A lot of technologies are released in Asia or Europe first. When I was looking to buy a laptop a few years ago, many models were only available in the UK. It all depends on the company. Even when it comes to mobile phones, some companies will release their phones in Europe first. Just look at the recently released Nokia Lumia 800. It won't be available in the States until next year, while it has already been out for a week in the UK.
The euro folks got the Samsung Galaxy S 2 long before we ever saw it in America. Same goes with the Galaxy Nexus, UK guys got there hands on it first. I really don't know why they release it at different times, there could be data trends out there that say UK people buy such a product at such a time more often etc... Or it could be because of the FCC or some laws that slows the process. Also it seems that only the US carriers mess with the phones, everyone else seems to get a clean phone with no bloatware. I would love to know the answer to this question too...
The euro folks got the Samsung Galaxy S 2 long before we ever saw it in America. Same goes with the Galaxy Nexus, UK guys got there hands on it first. I really don't know why they release it at different times, there could be data trends out there that say UK people buy such a product at such a time more often etc... Or it could be because of the FCC or some laws that slows the process. Also it seems that only the US carriers mess with the phones, everyone else seems to get a clean phone with no bloatware. I would love to know the answer to this question too...

I have no idea what the OP is complaining about!
Hi folks,

I'm interested in how other people around the globe feel about companies mostly putting new technology out to the USA first?

TBH I thought it was only Apple that released its latest and greatest to the US first. Asia is usually first for the latest tech devices, e.g. Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, etc.

BTW I'm currently using a Japanese computer that's only available in Hong Kong, and nowhere else.

What I mean is let's say the new Asus Prime for example is being released first in the USA, the UK is as far as I can tell is maybe 2 months later and Australia a few months after that.

I feel these companies should release thier goods globally at the same sort of time.

Why isnt this possible?

Sounds like these are exceptions rather than the general rule.

Usually stuff is released in the US later isn't it, because of bureaucracy, the need for FCC approvals, etc. There's also logistics, maybe demand in certain markets, e.g. the latest games consoles have usually been released in Japan first.

This trend isn't just limited to my example the Asus Prime, we had the same with the Motorola Xoom only being GED in the US.

I even had it with my flag ship TV that I bought from Samsung, the USA received free 3d glasses plus a 500 dollar 3d starter kit. I bought the same TV for a lot more money than our US friends yet even after I wrote Samsung a letter asking why, I was told "its a USA promotion only"

The list goes on.

I'm just interested in what other folk think about companies favouring the US all the time.

Do you think new releases and promotions should be global or are you happy always waiting behind the US?

A lot of it's down to regional promotions. Most of these companies are global, but their country specific operations may vary, e.g. one country gets extra free 3D glasses while another does not. Also things like TVs for different countries will be different anyway, due to different TV standards(ATSC, DVB, etc) and features, like a TV will built in Netflix or Hulu, those features wouldn't be any use outside of the USA.
Moved to the lounge

I would think with cell phones, since in the US many are carrier locked it would rely on the carrier for release date. Do any products have the same release date in all parts of the world? I would think that each company will choose where to release the device and when, perhaps starting in one area as a test to make sure the product is worth a worldwide release (at least with some products not all)
Seems to just depend on the device, what area it is being designed and mfg in, and what ties that Co has in the globe ... some cost have a major office in the states to ease the release there... or rather in the UK/ or australia, etc...
It really depends on the device. There are a lot of devices released in Europe first and also East Asia (for obvious reasons). Apple releases the iPhone first in the US because well... it's an American company with extremely close ties with carriers.
in most cases..tech is released outside usa first, from what I have seen.

my guesses to why:

1. usa is a huge consumer market and very fickle. they release to smaller markets first to beta test.. issues and bugs... then major release to usa.

2. usa will buy more in quantity.. so they can lower margins to move more product.

3. tariffs and FCC regulations and legal issues.. slow the release of products in usa.

4. Tariffs in other countries may raise the price higher in other countries. I have heard it cost more to buy the Korean product in Korea than it is in usa.
What I thought was weird was how some movies made in the U.S. are released in other countries first. I get a kick out of seeing some movie sites that will stream some movie with Russian dubbing before they're even released in the U.S., not that I go to those kinds of sites....
Interesting, thanks for your input folks.

Going by what you have all said my opinion about the US has changed. I didn't realise you guys also wait for stuff as I assumed because every product so far I personally have wanted I have had to wait behind the US for.

Would be nice if they could release globally major tech stuff around the same time for example, Tablets, Phones, new OS etc, we all want them early as possible.

The Nexus is released here but try and find one in stock lol and that isn't due to them running out. I don't think they are available anywhere yet.

I received bloatware on my HTC Desire HD, so that's not just the USA.

One more question, If a big hitter product is released in Europe first how long do you guys have to wait on average?

Thanks for all your input folks.

The Nexus is released here but try and find one in stock lol and that isn't due to them running out. I don't think they are available anywhere yet.

that's a big reason against global launches - satisfying the demand is much easier if you release in stages

i'm currently waiting for google music to come to this side of the pond (yes, i know about proxies, but can't be assed)
It really depends on the item. I've noticed over the years (Nintendo example again, sorry :P) that some game systems / games are released a couple of days to a couple of weeks before they are released in N.A. and, although this somewhat contradicts what everyone has told you on this thread, sometimes they are released a couple of days to a couple of weeks AFTER they are released here. Sometimes, things are released in Europe and America on the same day, which is what happened with Modern Warefare 3. :)
It really depends on the item. I've noticed over the years (Nintendo example again, sorry :P) that some game systems / games are released a couple of days to a couple of weeks before they are released in N.A. and, although this somewhat contradicts what everyone has told you on this thread, sometimes they are released a couple of days to a couple of weeks AFTER they are released here. Sometimes, things are released in Europe and America on the same day, which is what happened with Modern Warefare 3. :)

I think with game releases though rather than actually making electronics products, it's just a question of stamping CDs or DVDs. Once a game is finalised, it's just a matter of getting the discs made, and there's plenty of CD/DVD manufacturing plants around the world that can do that, very quickly and cheaply.

World wide simultaneous releases of software are even easier when they're an internet download. There is no logistics or manufacturing, there is no physical product, it's delivered digitally. e.g. anything released by Steam..

NO waiting for FCC approvals either.
production is a big issue for releasing products globally... making enough to satisfy global demand would cause a lot of trouble and maybe even huge overstock if there is a bug/problem with the first release.

so doing it in stages, is a great strategy!
you also need to do localization for software products in different markets

A lot of that will be down to languages, and the user selects their language and other localisations when they install the software products. AFAIK things like OS X Lion, Windows 7 Home Premium, Adobe Photoshop, will be exactly the same everywhere, it's just the installation options will be different depending on local needs. Although with games, there maybe objectionable materials for certain countries. If the game is delivered digitally though, which is becoming the normal way of distributing games, this can be taken care of very quickly.

Of course with something like Android, all applications and games are distributed digitally. :)
Well I'd actually say that Hawaii and Alaska are basically afterthoughts. I'd say Americans view Hawaii as just a vacation destination and Alaska as freezing cold all the time and also another place for cruise ships to go to. hehe At least whenever I think of the U.S., the only image that comes in my mind is mainland U.S. That picture should also have a little sliver cut out for New Jersey and label it as "yuck" :p (Sorry Steven) lol

I really like how Africa is just disconnected and floating somewhere in the ocean. lol
Hmm... to go off of what someone posted a ways up (should have quoted them ...), I remember reading about WiMax last summer, and if I recall correctly, Russia got basically an Evo 4g back in 2008 (not quite the same), but I want to say it was the worlds first 4g phone..?

Which surprised me, because I always think of Russia as a cold place filled with Bond-villains. :D
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