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Help Pandora rarely works


Jul 13, 2011
On a daily basis, Pandora will load up but not play any songs. Sometimes it will show my station list and let me choose a station but then not actually play a song. Sometimes the discography images show up and song info but doesn't actually play the song. My 4G connection (and I've tried CDMA 3G) works fine for web pages and other apps. This seems to be a Pandora issue. I am with Verizon and Pandora would work fine for me on Sprint (on a different phone) while sitting at this same desk. Also, I am one block away from an official Verizon store where I bought the phone so I imagine there should be adequate connectivity around here. My friend who has a Motorola Droid sits nearby and he is on 3G and pandora works flawlessly for him.

The only way I can get it to work is to reseat the battery usually. Anyone else have this issue?


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