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Patiently awaiting the Passion

RC Addict

Android Enthusiast
Greetings all! My name is Cody and I am a PDAalcoholic. It has been a year since my last addiction (to the Storm) and now I have a jones for a new drug--a drug called Android.

I played with my pal's Droid the other day and fell in love with the OS. Too bad Motorola built such a brick. I hate the egronomics of the phone, and the slider is useless. So...

I am here looking to get my fix for the (hopefully) soon-to-be released Passion (or Dragon or whatever)!!!

I'm gonna miss my Storm. Kinda.

-Cody aka RC Addict
Search for a thread already on going for a few days now on this topic.
There is a few of us waiting along with you.Soon we will have the passion but try to find the thread and join onto it with comments and so on.:)
Thanks, but I was not and am not starting a new thread on an existing subject. In fact I have my own VBulletin forum and know my way around the UserCP and threads. I know you are trying to help but please understand that I am not a complete dolt. I was mearly introducing myself to the community--not starting a discussion.

My therapist said I need to learn to play well with others. I fired her!

You did not offend. I was simply explaining that I was trying to say "hi". If we got off on the wrong foot I apologize.

Let's start over. Hi! I am Cody and I am a sarcastic SOB whom loves to be funny and have a good time!
Greetings all! My name is Cody and I am a PDAalcoholic. It has been a year since my last addiction (to the Storm) and now I have a jones for a new drug--a drug called Android.

I played with my pal's Droid the other day and fell in love with the OS. Too bad Motorola built such a brick. I hate the egronomics of the phone, and the slider is useless. So...

I am here looking to get my fix for the (hopefully) soon-to-be released Passion (or Dragon or whatever)!!!

I'm gonna miss my Storm. Kinda.

-Cody aka RC Addict

Welcome to the AF forums and enjoy your visits !! :cool:
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