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Help PDANet tethering issue!


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
I recently replaced my worn out M860 with a almost new one (a 9 out 10) and when I reloaded PDANet 2.41 it seems as though I now have a download limit of 1 mb! Also I use to be able to play a slot machine game on facebook but now it only loads halfway and stops!

So, my question is why won't my tethered connection (using PDANet 2.41) allow larger than 1mb d/ls on my laptop when tethered?

Has MetroPCS put a cap on my d/l size? I am supposed to have unlimited! Although I haven't ever used it for anything really large! like over 100 mb.

Is there some settings in PDANET that need to be set or is it Metro?

thanks Eto


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