The jobs are out there but I also see people that lost 20.00+/hr jobs wanting to find new 20.00/+hr jobs and it is not happening. They refuse to take lesser pay in some cases using the excuse that they can't live on the lower wages.
You are missing one tiny point. Let us compare two cities. Flint, MI and Portland, Or.
If you have two people in the same house hold, making minimum wage. They would need to make 15,000 dollars more to live in portland oregon then to live in flint MI. Just to balance out the local cost of living. A person that can survive on minimum wage in one area is starving to death in another. Are you suggesting all the poor should be force to living in work camps? Because that is the bottom line, the poor would move out of the cities with high cost, forcing them into ghettos, remember the 1960's?
But that is the bottom line. A person needs to make 20 dollars an hour just to survive can not be paid 8 dollars an hour. If he takes the 8 dollars an hour job he will not be able to pay the bills, which will make him homeless.
It is not that they could not take the 8 dollar an hour job, but if they did, they would still not be able to survive in the city. They would also cut down the chances of getting a job that paid the full wage.
It is not always about "working". It what it takes to survive. In a city like portland, your chances of working minimum wage is very low, but possible. If you accept the minimum wage job, you more or less gave up on trying to get a job that you can survive on.
Which is why welfare is needed. Minimum wage jobs keep the economy going, but do not always make it possible to survive. By offering welfare, you can have your house keeper/burger flipper/ car wash guy at minimum wage and enjoy that cheap service. If you get rid of welfare, you will have to raise minimum wage, either by laws or supply and demands.
Oh, and expect the "savings" from welfare to be funneled back into prisons, police, and court system. Because once you have nothing to loose, you really will do anything to get ahead, mostly illegal things.
Oh you have a shiny new car!!!