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People Without Social Media?

G+ is, I feel, a more mature group. Or depends on which communities you join and what you're into. I get most of my tech news there as well as tech in education, which is something I'm interested in

I guess it does depend. I found it to be a lot of trolls.

I find the communities and people I circle do make good posts. If I am dissatisfied with certain people or communities, I uncircle them and leave the communities. There are often multiple communities for any given topic. Over time, I find my experience improves as I refind my circles and communities.
I don't see the need for circles - just ask a question and get it answered without need to do anything besides login. Logout and you are done. You don't have to follow or like anything just for an answer.
Every one of my public email addresses is on LinkedIn's "do not contact" list (I got annoyed by it nagging me when people would try linking, so I blocked every address I thought people who didn't know me well enough to know I'd never join might find).

When I installed LinkedIn, I think I fat fingered the button that emailed all of my contacts to join. It may have been that I had no other choice, so on behalf of all your friends that did this, I'm sorry.

I did get my current job through LinkedIn, so it's not all bad. Over the summer I was getting messages about 2 times a week from recruiters looking to fill vacancies.
For the most part, I'm all about Android Forums when it comes to social media. Occasionally, I use email and phone for business purposes. And I rarely do any texting.
Blogging mostly is social, but there are people who put out tutorials, both verbal and video in the blogs. Some just vent their feelings, and some do use a blog as a community.
quick question here where would blogging be? I mean would that be considered to be social media?

I hadn't thought about that, but it would depend in part what you mean by blogging. If you write a blog piece under your real name and other people can comment on it, then that would count. And I guess it would count if you comment to a blog piece using your own name. But not if it's anonymous--that would be little different than here.
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