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Help Phone died today

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Well-Known Member
So today I was just using my phone like normal, when the screen just went black. Power button did nothing, plugged it in thinking the battery might have been dead, even tho my wallpaper told me I was at nearly 70% before it went. Phone wouldn't turn on at all, I removed the battery for a few about 15 min, put it back in and still nothing. Battery pulled again, put it back, plugged the phone in and tried turning it on while holding the volume buttons. I got it to the white HTC screen, I let go of the buttons and it turned off again. Got it to this point one more time, but still turned off again. Took it to the Sprint store and they said my "motherboard" was probably fried.

So they are sending me a replacement phone, so in the mean time I've tried to see if I can somehow root the phone, as some people have said this is probably just a boatloader problem. But here is the problem...

When I plug in the phone, the red light comes then goes off then comes on again, but once I push any button, the light goes off. When plugged into my computer, the computer knows its an HTC Android phone, but it will not open it, not even as a drive. If I leaved it plugged in, the red light goes green after a few minutes, but it will still not turn on.

Any ideas of somehow I can get this thing to come back on? Or is it really just dead. I figured if I can get it going, I can atleast sell it or something...
You will be required to return it upon recieving the replacement phone, or else Sprint will charge you for the replacement phone.
as noted since you have made a claim you are required to return the phone.

if you try to sell the phone this is insurance fraud and this sits does not allow this type of discussion.
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