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Phone locks up recieving calls


Android Enthusiast
Basic info to start: I am on leak v2, I have had it for weeks now with no problem until recently. Modem ping setting is at 2, stock dialer, not rooted. Helix launcher(don't know if this means anything)

Problem: Whenever I recieve a call, about 90% of the time it rings and rings and rings with a black screen, I hit the green answer button, and nothing. Then the message which is something like "process com.android.phone is not responding" with the option to 'wait' or 'force close'.

Obviously a simple force close should stop it, but these buttons are not responsive. It will continually ring for minutes until I do a battery pull. About 1 in 10 times it actually lets me force close.

I thought it could have something to do with nubdialer, so I uninstalled, rebooted, still has problems. Is there a fix for this? Why did it just start doing it recently, I've had the same settings for weeks and nothing has happened. Help me if you can :confused:
Also I am nit using a task killer. If anyone knows anything please help me out, it is a major inconvenience.
try clearing ur call history, and ur app cache. that has helped my dialer issues alot. I now only get said issue when I'm browsing the internet and a call comes in. its like the phone doesn't kno wheter to use the radio for net or call and locks up till it decides to take the call over the internet
Do you have a case on the phone or are you holding it anywhere near the left side of the speaker when this happens?
No case, and I dont hold it weird. It happens when the phone is lying down put in my hand or anywhere. I cant find the process in application management, I filtered it for all
Delete any app that deals with your phone settings. It's always silly apps like OpenHome, for example, that will end up causing you problems.

Clear the cache, clear the call log.

You know your slot cycle, yet you have not changed it? Put it on 0 and try it out after clearing your call log.
I have had similar problems with the phone severely lagging out when receiving a call. Very slow waking and responding to the push of the call button. The behavior reminds me of a Windows system that's running out of RAM.
I have had similar problems with the phone severely lagging out when receiving a call. Very slow waking and responding to the push of the call button. The behavior reminds me of a Windows system that's running out of RAM.

You may need to alter some call receiving settings as well as dial you slot cycle down a number or two. I am running at "0."
Clear call log
Stop with the fancy crap you guys like putting on there that changes lock screens and themes and all that jazz. Not on this phone. An Incredible, sure, but any more memory hogs on this phone and you're asking for trouble.
I dont have many apps, and the problem still occurs with the slot cycle at 0. Does best buy do trade ins? If my phone cant function as a phone I might have to get rid of it. (I didnt buy it from best buy though.)
Also I have no themes or anything fancy, I mostly use the phone for pictures, texting, surfing the web, and things like facebook and photobucket. This should not be happening.
I dont have many apps, and the problem still occurs with the slot cycle at 0. Does best buy do trade ins? If my phone cant function as a phone I might have to get rid of it. (I didnt buy it from best buy though.)

I have never heard of this. Why not take it to VZW?

Also I have no themes or anything fancy, I mostly use the phone for pictures, texting, surfing the web, and things like facebook and photobucket. This should not be happening.

You have Helix Launcher. I dunno what it does, I just read about it, but it alters something, no? Remove it.

Have you tried a hard reset? Back your stuff up and go for it before you take it to someone else.
Cant take it to verizon because of 2.1. There are tons of people on he who run helix with no problems, I guess I can try using sense. Ill try a hard reset, but I dont know if it will help and dint want to do it until I know there are no other options.
Try running Home and see if that fixes anything.

Other people do not use the phone the same way you do and do not have the exact same complementary apps as well. Each case is unique and needs to be troubleshooted..troubleshot.. individually.
Here's my plan as of now:
-Hard Reset
-Only re-install apps I use/used more than a few weeks ago/need
-use sense instead of helix - if this fails I will use home

I will try to call my phone from a few different numbers - house, brother, sister, blocked number, and see if it still occurs after this. If it does, I will take a video with my brothers droid, maybe seeing it will help people help me.

Thanks for all the help and the fast responses you guys, I haven't been on here long but it really is a helpful community.
We know what you're talking about. You may not need a video. Well, I shouldn't speak for others, but it's happened to us, but it was remedied with the advice we gave you. You may have something much bigger on your hands, though.
Thanks smacky, I'm in the process of doing it right now, don't want to back up with astro because it doesnt show up in the market, so I just wrote down everything on notepad and have all my out of marketplace apk's on the computer. I guess we'll see how it goes.
Yeah, hopefully the hard reset works. If it does not, take it VZW and show them the problem...and honestly, if they start digging too far into the phone and a possibility of finding out your 2.1, call with another phone, or have someone do it for you. It may spook them and distract them from finding the firmware and simply getting you a new one.

Although, some people have sent their 2.1 Erises back. I think it was for faulty hardware like a blown speaker, though.
Yeah, hopefully the hard reset works. If it does not, take it VZW and show them the problem...and honestly, if they start digging too far into the phone and a possibility of finding out your 2.1, call with another phone, or have someone do it for you. It may spook them and distract them from finding the firmware and simply getting you a new one.

Although, some people have sent their 2.1 Erises back. I think it was for faulty hardware like a blown speaker, though.

What do you mean it may spook them? Just by calling tech support from a different phone about MY phone?:confused:
What do you mean it may spook them? Just by calling tech support from a different phone about MY phone?:confused:

If you go to the store and they start looking for firmware number. Sabotage the phone by calling it. It locks up, right? He may just give up and give you a new one and not go through the hassle of troubleshooting.

If you are doing this all over the phone, then I dunno. I was thinking you were going to the VZW store.
I may be doing a hard reset tonight and experiment with apps I install. I have never used an app that changes the home screen, helix etc.... I have always used sense ui. Slot cycle change doesn't seem to make a difference on the problem.

I'll report what I find out.
If you go to the store and they start looking for firmware number. Sabotage the phone by calling it. It locks up, right? He may just give up and give you a new one and not go through the hassle of troubleshooting.

If you are doing this all over the phone, then I dunno. I was thinking you were going to the VZW store.

Oh yeah, I totally misunderstood you on that, wow :D

Anyway, I just finished resetting my phone to my liking after the hard reset. It was annoying but I had a good idea of my layout from my older screenshots from the SDK.

I just finished everything up, I'm going to do a few test calls from my house now, I'll report back in a few.
Phone in 'sleep' mode:

Call 1 from home(unblocked #) - answered with green hard button - success
Call 2 from home(unblocked #) - answered with slide/soft key - success
Call 3 from cell - answered with green hard button - success
Call 4 from cell - answered with slide/soft key - success
Call 5 from home - hard red/end key to ignore - success

Phone in 'awake' mode:
Call 1 from home - answered with soft key - success
Call 2 from cell - answered with slide/soft key - success

I don't want to jinx it but so far so good. It looks especially good becuase it previously happened 90%-95% of the time.

I haven't messed with my slot cycle index, I haven't checked if that reverts back to '2' or 'stock' with a hard reset. I don't know if it is because of the reset, being on sense, getting rid of junk (non used apps/extra crap in sd card), but so far it works!
Phone in 'sleep' mode:

Call 1 from home(unblocked #) - answered with green hard button - success
Call 2 from home(unblocked #) - answered with slide/soft key - success
Call 3 from cell - answered with green hard button - success
Call 4 from cell - answered with slide/soft key - success
Call 5 from home - hard red/end key to ignore - success

Phone in 'awake' mode:
Call 1 from home - answered with soft key - success
Call 2 from cell - answered with slide/soft key - success

I don't want to jinx it but so far so good. It looks especially good becuase it previously happened 90%-95% of the time.

I haven't messed with my slot cycle index, I haven't checked if that reverts back to '2' or 'stock' with a hard reset. I don't know if it is because of the reset, being on sense, getting rid of junk (non used apps/extra crap in sd card), but so far it works!

Hard reset fixes a lot of problems. ;)
Well the wipe fixed a lot of things for me too when it comes to lag... now installing apps. I have been testing coming out of sleep mode after each app. I also messed with the slot cycle settings. Didn't seem to make any difference but maybe it's just me.
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