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Help Phone (Nexus S) not turning on


Oct 15, 2012
Not a lot of detail going to be given here, because I don't know what I need to give.

So during school, I turned my phone off. After some time after my class was done, I pulled it out.

I'd like to mention my friend gave my phone a tap a second I pulled it out. Not a hard break the phone kind of screen, but the kind of tap that makes noises when you finger drum on a desk. Don't know if that was irrelevant or not but I want to make sure you know what's up.

So I tried turning it on and nothing came up. I googled "Nexus S not turning on" and none of the methods worked for me.

Also just today, I downloaded GO launcher EX.

I'm a noob at Android so I might''ve done something wrong without realizing it.

The phone is around half a year old. It is my dad's old phone and I just got it 3 weeks ago

List of what I've tried:
  • Holding power button
  • Taking out battery and reinserting
  • Plugging phone into computer (not detected)


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