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Help Phone Security


May 18, 2010
Hello All,
i'm new to smartphones so bear with me...

In view of the fact that Barclays Bank is providing smartphone banking services now, what is security like on these devices.

My PCs have to be protected with a firewall and antimalware software, so how secure are phones...
Hey there, I am using an application called LOOKOUT ( it has green tower as icon on the market ) and that one seems to be pretty good.

Runs a virus scan everytime you are about to download new application and you can set a scheduled virus scan or do it manualy, it also has a web connection where you can safely backup your data, contacts, pictures. It can also locate your phone if it has been stolen and even launch a very loud siren.

I was underground and wanted to try the siren. Obviously without the signal it did not work and I forgot about it. Then I went to a post office and it started to scream really loud !!! All the people arround me were like "what the hell"... I had to leave because it could not be stopped, had to remove the battery. This can be usefull when your phone gets stolen.

It is definitely not the only option on the market, but this is what I found usefull

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