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Phone tapping on the bottom and top left??


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
So despite my gut feeling I took off the film behind the screen as the other thread indicated.

Now my phone slides smoother but when it is closed and using it in portrait view, the bottom and top left of the phone makes a tapping noise everytime I press there. It's really annoying specially when I'm typing something or going back and I keep hearing tap tap silent silent silent tap tap tap.

As I took a closer look, it seems like the legs on the left side on the back of the screen don't quite reach the keyboard base, therefore creating a gap and tapping the keyboard base whenever i press there.

Has this happened to yours too? If so, do you have the film in the back or have you taken it off?

Also, the tapping ONLY happens when the phone is closed and used on portrait view.
Kind of like the screen "rocking"? Mine does it too, with the film still there. I thought I damaged it and was going plead ignorance with the VZW store, maybe now I don't have to lie, or i can just deal with it. I don't have a problem dealing with it though it shoots the "solid build" out the window when someone asks about the rocking of the screen.
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