I'm on Verizon obviously and I was lucky enough (at the time) to have been grandfathered into that 1400 minute plan with unlimited data. We have two phones, HTC Rezound(mine) and a Motorola DX2(wife), both do for upgrades in August. I'm probably going to wait until some new phones come out, nothing I see entices me right now.
Down to the point, how can we upgrade without losing our unlimited data? What are our options, any way to get around this? No way a VZW rep lets me slide and gives me the upgrades? My wife is dying for a new phone, here DX2 is 2 years old and falling apart plus I'd love to get away from HTC. I appreciate any help with this.
Down to the point, how can we upgrade without losing our unlimited data? What are our options, any way to get around this? No way a VZW rep lets me slide and gives me the upgrades? My wife is dying for a new phone, here DX2 is 2 years old and falling apart plus I'd love to get away from HTC. I appreciate any help with this.