No settings allow me to get loud or prominent notice of texts. Used to have a Motorola on Android 8, had no problem setting it to notify me. Now on a Sony Xperia, Android 10. All notify options are on, sound is up, and set to vibrate, selected sound is loud enough. But depending on circumstance it's easy to miss. If I have the text program open (have tried both the built in and the verizon app) but I'm not looking at it I won't know of a new text. Only a tiny icon on the top bar. No pop up msg, no sound or vibrate. The only thing I could finally get to work is set it to auto read them to me when they come in. Then if its asleep it will read the new text loudly. Half solves the problem but no way to stop it once it gets going. So if I'm in a meeting or it's a private text it keeps going even if I hit volume, log in, open the text so it's treated as no longer new, nothing. Just keeps reading till done. But even with that I have to remember to press home btn after I read or send because if the text app is open it still only gives that tiny icon at top. Is this a sony problem or Android 10? Suggestions?
Sony xperia compact, on verizon (only via LTE no CDMA), Android 10, all as up to date as possible.
Sony xperia compact, on verizon (only via LTE no CDMA), Android 10, all as up to date as possible.